Empower your managers with tailored learning paths! Account admins can create custom "tracks"— collections of manager enablement courses— to add to learning journeys, ensuring the right topics are addressed in a sequence that best suits your organization's needs. By aligning these custom tracks with specific milestones or focus areas, you can seamlessly integrate learning with your company's key outcomes.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Transform.
👥 This article is relevant to Account admins and HR admins.
📦 This feature is available in the Transform and Transform Accelerator pricing packages.



If you’d like to request coaching for yourself or your team, check with the owner of your account, or reach out to your Customer Success Manager. If you’re not sure who to contact, you can email us at transform@15five.com and we’ll be happy to assist.

Glossary of terms 📚

  • A Learning Journey is exactly what it sounds like— a journey of learning that a person/people go through. Journeys are made up of tracks. Learn about how to create a learning journey.
  • A Track is a collection of topics whose purpose is to drive a specific goal. We offer recommended tracks and the ability for admins to create custom tracks, which is addressed in this article. Multiple tracks can be added to a learning journey.
  • A Topic is a course that covers a specific topic relevant to manager effectiveness. Each course is created by either 15Five's in-house experts or industry thought leaders, the latter of which is called "luminary content". Topics are combined to create a track.

Now that you're familiar with the Transform terminology, let's dive into creating and utilizing custom tracks.

Create a custom track

  1. Click on Training & Coaching in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation and select 'Manage Journeys' from the dropdown.
  2. Click to open the 'Tracks' tab at the top of the page.
  3. Click Create Track.
  4. Name the track. Be sure to provide a descriptive name that you'll recognize as you're applying the track to a learning journey.
  5. Click + Add topics to open a library of all available topics.
  6. Use the search bar to search the full topic library by course name, description, and keywords and find the right content for your learning track.
  7. Each topic in the library includes a description of the topic, learning outcomes, the length of the course related to the topic, and a link to a sample video about the topic. Luminary content— tracks created by industry thought-leaders— is noted with a tag.
  8. Click the circle button to the left of all topics you want to add to the track, then click Add topics.
  9. Selected topics will be pulled into your track for customization:
    • Drag and drop a course to the preferred order by hovering over the track and dragging/dropping it using the six-dot icon.
    • Remove a topic by clicking the X icon to its right.
    • Add additional topics by clicking + Add topics.
  10. When you're done customizing the track, click Create.
  11. All created tracks can be accessed in the 'Tracks' tab. Once you create a track, it can be added to learning journeys.

View a custom track

  1. Click on Training & Coaching in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation and select 'Manage Journeys' from the dropdown.
  2. Click to open the 'Tracks' tab at the top of the page.
  3. All tracks will appear on this page. Click '...' to the right of the track and select 'View' from the dropdown menu.
  4. When viewing a track, you can see the included topics and journeys that include the track.

Edit or delete a custom track



You can only edit or delete custom tracks that aren't used in an existing journey.

  1. Click on Training & Coaching in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation and select 'Manage Journeys' from the dropdown.
  2. Click to open the 'Tracks' tab at the top of the page.
  3. To edit a track, click '...' to the right of the track you want to delete, then select 'Edit' from the dropdown menu.
  4. To delete a track, click '...' to the right of the track you want to delete, then select 'Delete' from the dropdown menu.

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