If you're a review admin tasked with creating a Best-Self Review® cycle, you know that crafting effective questions is essential to collecting meaningful feedback. Fortunately, 15Five gives you options when it comes to adding questions to your review cycle.

Question templates contain the questions that will be asked to cycle participants. Each review type (self/manager, peer, and upward) gets it's own question template, meaning that there can be up to three different question templates used in a review cycle.

In this article, we'll explore the three available approaches to adding questions to your review cycle:

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Best-Self Review® and feature settings.
👥 This article is relevant to Review admins.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform and Total Platform pricing packages.



Check out our "Best-Self Review® question templates: overview and best practices" article for a deep-dive into what question templates are best practices for adding questions to a review cycle.

Use 15Five's default question templates

15Five offers built-in question templates that take the guess work out of your review cycle. These science-backed templates ensure you're asking powerful questions that foster growth and conversation. Default templates can be viewed on the "Template configuration" page (in-app link).

We currently offer the following default question templates:

  • Self & manager questions
  • Manager effectiveness
  • Upward questions
  • Peer questions
  • Ad Hoc peer review

Learn more about our default question templates and the types of questions included in them in our "Default question templates for Best-Self Review®" Help Center article.

Clone existing templates and make edits

If you like a default question template but want to customize it, you can clone the question template and edit it. Likewise, if you created a custom question template for another review cycle and want to make changes for an upcoming review cycle, you can either edit it directly or clone it and make desired edits.



You cannot make edits to any of 15Five's default question templates, or any question templates that are being used in an active review cycle. The alternative is to clone the question template and make edits to the clone.

Read more about how to clone and/or edit a question template in our "Clone and edit a question template" Help Center article.

Create custom question templates

The final option for adding questions to your review cycle is to create a custom question template from scratch. This option takes more time to set up, but allows you to fully customize the questions that review cycle participants will be asked.

Read more about creating custom question templates in our "Create a custom question template" article.



Once you've finished creating the question templates for your review cycle, the next step is to create a Performance Ratings+ template, formula, and rubric. If you don't plan to utilize performance ratings, you can skip this step and move on to creating your review cycle. Check out our "What to expect: I'm a review admin" Help Center article for a full list of the steps you should take as a review admin to create and hold a Best-Self Review® cycle from start to finish.


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