Launch 15Five at your organization

You've determined your goals with 15Five, configured your organization's settings, and introduced your team to 15Five...and now the day has come to officially launch 15Five to your organization! This article walks through the steps to take on launch day to ensure a successful rollout of 15Five.

1️⃣ Confirm email invitation language

Double-check that the email invitation subject and body reflect what you want employees to receive from 15Five.



Only account admins can manage email invitation settings.

  1. Click on the Settings gear in the top, right-hand corner of 15Five.
    Open Settings.png
  2. Select 'Company settings' from the dropdown menu.
  3. You're now on the 'Company info' tab of the Company settings page.
  4. Expand the "Invite settings" section.
  5. Make sure that the email subject line and custom invite email message reflect what you want to send out to employees once they're invited.


    We recommend keeping the invite email that is sent out from 15Five short and concise, then posting a more in-depth announcement after invitations are sent out in a company-wide channel. Skip ahead to the "Post a 15Five announcement in a company-wide channel" section of this article for tips about how to craft this message and example templates. 

  6. The email that goes out to employees will look similar to the example below, with your custom message appearing in the light gray box located under the Join your team button.
    Email invite.png

2️⃣ Send email invitations to employees

Trigger email invitations to be sent to your team.



Only account admins can send out email invitations in bulk.

  1. Click on the Settings gear in the top, right-hand corner of 15Five.
    Open Settings.png
  2. Select 'People' from the dropdown menu.
  3. You're now on the "Manage people" page. From here, click on the 'Inactive' tab.
  4. At the top of the page, you'll see the 'Created people' section, which contains individuals who have been added to 15Five but haven't yet received invitations. Check the box to the left of all individuals you want to send invitation emails to. If you want to send invitations to all created people, check the box at the top of the table (to the left of "Name").
  5. Click Actions at the top of the Created people table and select 'Send invitation' from the dropdown menu.
  6. A popup will appear that walks through the implications of sending these invitations. Read through them, then click Yes, send invitation.
  7. The selected individuals will immediately receive email invitations to join 15Five and their names will move to the 'Pending invitations' section of the page. Once a person accepts their invitation, their name will move to the 'Active' tab of the "Manage People" page.
  8. Invitations are sent from and expire after 30 days. If an individual's invite expiration date is coming up, you can re-send their invitation by checking the box to the left of their name, clicking Actions at the top of the Pending Invites table, and selecting 'Resend invitation' from the dropdown menu. You also have the option to reset the invitation expiration date or deactivate the person's account from this dropdown.

3️⃣ Post a 15Five announcement in a company-wide channel

Let your employees know it's time to log in and share additional information to support adoption.

After you invite employees to 15Five, we recommend announcing the launch in a company-wide communication channel (e.g. Microsoft Teams or Slack). Surfacing news of the launch in multiple places will help increase employee awareness and, thus, initial adoption of 15Five.

Your 15Five launch day announcement should include:

  • Excitement around the official launch of 15Five
  • A reminder about why your team is using 15Five
  • Instruction for employees to check their email inboxes for the invite email and follow the link to activate their account
  • Specific expectations around usage
  • Information about what employees should do if they experience issues logging in


    Our recommendation is to have employees reach out directly to 15Five's Support Team by emailing and CCing a designated account admin from within your organization. This ensures that your launch team is aware of any issues and can follow along with progress.

  • Guidance on where employees should direct questions about 15Five

Here's an example of a launch day announcement that you can reference:

Official 15Five Launch 🚀 Action Required!

We're thrilled to announce that today marks the official launch of 15Five at [ORG NAME]! This powerful tool will revolutionize the way we work and help us communicate and achieve our goals more efficiently.

👉 What's expected from you

  • Check your inbox for an invitation email sent from Click Join your team in the email to activate and log into your 15Five account.
  • We ask that everyone log into their 15Five accounts by the end of this weekIf you have any issues logging into your account, please reach out to 15Five's Support Team by emailing and CC [DESIGNATED INTERNAL ADMIN].
  • Next Friday, [DATE], all employees will be expected to submit their first Check-in using 15Five.

If you run into any questions as you get familiar with 15Five, please post them in our designated #15Five Slack channel and one of our internal 15Five champions will be happy to help.

Let's make the most of this exciting opportunity together!

[Your Name]

4️⃣ Increase adoption post-launch

Use our suggested tips to encourage employees to make the most of 15Five.

Once you've officially launched 15Five we recommend sending reminders to people who haven't logged in, highlighting individuals and teams who are effectively using 15Five, and collecting/acting on feedback to drive continued adoption.

⭐️ Send reminders to people who haven't logged in

As the deadline for activating accounts approaches, we recommend reaching out to employees who haven't accepted their invitations to 15Five.

You can resend a person's invite from 15Five by navigating to the Manage People > Inactive page and scrolling down to the 'Pending invitations' section. Frm here, check the box to the left of the employee(s) you want to resend invitations to, click Actions, then select 'Resend invitation' from the dropdown menu.

The email that goes out when you resend the invitation is sent from and looks like this:


After the deadline for logging into 15Five passes, it may be worth reaching out directly to any employees who haven't yet activated their account via email or another communication channel (e.g. Slack or Microsoft Teams). You can also inform managers of individuals on their teams who haven't activated their accounts so they can reach out to their direct reports directly.

⭐️ Highlight individuals and teams who are effectively using 15Five

As your organization adopts 15Five, it's important to celebrate successes along the way. Recognize the efforts of employees who are leading the charge with adoption and celebrate or reward them for their hard work! This can help to build momentum and keep employees motivated to continue using the software to improve their performance and engagement. And, according to Gallup, individuals who receive recognition and praise are more productive and more engaged. It's a win-win!

Some examples of things you can do are:

  • Sharing celebratory posts in a company-wide communication channel highlighting examples of solid adoption. When employees believe they will be recognized, they are 2.7x more likely to be highly engaged. Highlighting desired behavior also gives the rest of the organization tangible examples of what it looks like to effectively use 15Five and the benefits it brings.
    • Example: 🎉 Shoutout to @Leah Castillo, who has maintained a 100% review rate of her direct reports' Check-ins over the past three weeks! Reviewing Check-ins helps keep teams engaged and fosters collaboration, and as a result her team has consistently maintained one of the highest Check-in submission rates in the company. Keep up the good work!"
    • Example: Join me in celebrating @Sophia Fresch for being the top giver of high fives since we launched 15Five last week! Giving high fives is an easy way to recognize your co-workers for their hard and express your gratitude, knowledge, and appreciation. If you've noticed a colleague working their hardest, living out a company value, or lightening someone's load, continue fostering a culture of appreciation at [ORG NAME] by giving them a high five now! ✋
  • Providing rewards to individuals or teams who are exceeding expectations with their usage of 15Five. Rewards can be monetary (e.g. a stipend for a team social/meal or a gift card), professional development oriented (e.g. offering a free 1-on-1 coaching session with one of 15Five's in-house coaches), or 15Five-based (e.g. allowing a high performer to create a fun one-time company-wide question to ask in the next Check-in). Be creative in your approach to rewarding individuals so that others are motivated to follow their lead.

⭐️ Collect and act on feedback

According to Quantum Workplace, one of the top drivers of employee engagement is for employees to feel that their opinions matter. Thus, it's important to create channels for employees to share their feedback about 15Five— and to encourage them to do so! This can help you identify any issues or areas where additional training may be needed, gauge the overall effectiveness of 15Five, and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that it is meeting the needs of your employees and your business.

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