15Five's 1-on-1s feature allows employees to create agendas to facilitate powerful and productive meetings. This article walks Account admins and Managers through adding talking points and action items to 1-on-1 agendas to ensure alignment and drive initiatives directly from their homepage.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

โ›”๏ธ Required access to Manage actions.
๐Ÿ‘ฅ This article is relevant to Account admins and Managers of managers.
๐Ÿ“ฆ This feature is available in all pricing packages.



Account admins can create talking points or action items for anyone. Managers of managers can create talking points or action items for anyone below them in their hierarchy.

Create a talking point or action item for others

In this section, you'll learn how to create a talking point or action item for another person using the "Manage actions" section of your homepage. When you add a discussion to a 1-on-1 agenda, it will appear as a talking point. When you add an action to a person's 1-on-1 agenda, it will appear as an action item.



If you want to create talking points or action items in bulk for multiple managers, please refer to our "Assign actions in bulk" article.

  1. Click Home in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. Open the 'Manage actions' tab at the top of the page.
  3. Click +Create Action. This option allows you to create discussions (i.e. talking points) or actions (i.e. action items) for other people. 
  4. Type your talking point or action item. Type the talking point or action item as you want it to appear on the 1-on-1 agenda. This field supports rich-text formatting.
  5. Select an Action type. Click the "Select a type" field to choose whether you want to create a 1-on-1 talking point (i.e. discussion) or action item (i.e. action).
  6. Choose the two participants whose 1-on-1 agenda the item should appear on. In the bottom, right-hand corner of the action box, you'll see two people icons. The discussion or action you create will appear on the current 1-on-1 agenda of the two people you select here. Click the icon to the left to select an owner and click the icon to the right to select an impacted person. If you're creating an action item, make the person who is responsible for completing it the owner.
  7. Add the item to 1-on-1 agendas. Click the chat bubble icon to add the talking point or action item to the current 1-on-1 agenda of the two selected participants.
  8. Mark the item as private (optional). If you only want the talking point or action item to be visible to the person you assigned as the owner, click the lock icon.



    This ability is helpful when the item you're adding may be considered confidential or sensitive. For example, you may opt to make a talking point about a person's performance private to their manager.

  9. Select a due date (optional). Click the calendar icon to set a date for when the talking point or action item should be completed/resolved. While this due date will not appear on the 1-on-1 agenda, it will appear in the Actions List of the 1-on-1 participants' homepages.
  10. Add an attachment (optional). If desired, add an attachment by clicking the paperclip icon and selecting the file from your computer.
    The attachment will appear on the 1-on-1 agenda like so:
  11. Save the Action. Once you're done, click Enter on your keyboard to save the Action. You'll see a notification on the screen informing you that the Action was created.
  12. At this point, the talking point or action item will appear in the current 1-on-1 agenda for the two selected participants. It will also appear in their Actions List.
  13. If at any point you need to edit or delete the talking point or action item, you can do so from the Manage Actions page.

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