15Five's external performance data import allows you to import review cycle data from sources outside of 15Five. Once you've imported and published external performance reviews, those with visibility can see review data in 15Five and reference this data as a resource when writing reviews of their teams.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Feature Settings.
👥 This article is relevant to Review admins, Cycle collaborators, and anyone granted access to reviews.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform and Total Platform pricing packages.

Who can see imported performance reviews?

Who can see imported performance reviews is based on your organization's selected Best-Self Review® visibility settings. Account admins can see and manage these settings by expanding the "Best-Self Review visibility setting" section on the "Import external outcomes data" page.


Read more about what these settings mean ⬇️

Hierarchy V Basic visibility

If Hierarchy visibility is selected, admins + an employee's hierarchy (their manager, their manager's manager, and so on) can see their reviews, including imported external reviews.

If Basic visibility is selected, admins + an employee's manager can see their reviews, including imported external reviews.

Manager visibility

If All direct managers can view past reviews, including external data is selected, an employee's assigned manager in 15Five can see all of their past reviews, including imported external reviews.

If All additional managers can view past reviews, including external data is selected, an employee's assigned additional managers can see all of their past reviews, including imported external reviews.

View imported performance reviews

Once you publish external performance data, those with visibility permissions can see it on the "Import external outcomes data" page in Feature Settings and on the Best-Self Review® Dashboard.

Feature Settings Best-Self Review® Dashboard
  1. Click on the Settings gear in the top right-hand corner of 15Five.
  2. Select 'Features' from the dropdown menu.
  3. Open the Import external data section.
  4. Click ... next to your import and select "View details" from the dropdown menu.

Reference imported performance reviews as a resource

As managers and additional managers write manager reviews, they can easily access 15Five data, including past externally imported reviews, for their direct report to inform review answers.

  1. Click on Best-Self Review® in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Click on the name of the review cycle you want to open a review in.
  3. You're now on the review cycle's overview page. From here, open the 'Write reviews' tab at the top of the page.
  4. Click on the name of the person whose review you want to open using the "Reviews" bar on the left-hand side of the screen.
  5. How you access these resources depends on whether or not AI Assisted Reviews are enabled for your organization.
    Experience without AI Assisted Reviews enabled

    If AI Assisted Reviews are not enabled for your organization, click View resources in the top, right-hand corner of a question section.

    Experience with AI Assisted Reviews enabled

    If AI Assisted Reviews are enabled for your organization, click Summarize data in the top, right-hand corner of your manager review to open the Spark AI widget.

    Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 12.42.28 PM.png

    Then, open the "Resources" tab.

    Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 12.38.48 PM.png

  6. Select "Past reviews" from the resource dropdown menu. You will see a list of all past external review cycles for the participant you're writing a review about.
    Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 3.38.32 PM.png
  7. Click on the name of the review cycle you want to view data in to open an external page containing the participant's review results.
    Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 3.39.06 PM.png
  8. Upon clicking on the name of the participant, you will see a page detailing their results in the selected external review cycle, which you can reference to inform your manager review responses.
    Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 3.38.46 PM.png

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