To keep your 1-on-1s list organized, you can star your most important or regular 1-on-1s. Starred 1-on-1s are pinned to the top of your 1-on-1s list and marked with yellow stars for easy visibility. Need to adjust? You can unstar 1-on-1s just as easily.
In this article, you will learn...
Access and availability
⛔️ Required access to 1-on-1s.
👥 This article is relevant to all roles.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform, Legacy Focus, and Total Platform pricing packages.
1-on-1s with your direct manager or your direct report(s) are starred by default. Feel free to unstar them as needed.
How to star a 1-on-1 🌟
- Click on 1-on-1s in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
- From your My 1-on-1s list, click the star icon to the left of the person whose 1-on-1 you want to star.
- Starred 1-on-1s will appear at the top of your My 1-on-1s list.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ❓
In addition to favoring 1-on-1s, you can remove them from your 1-on-1s list, ensuring your list stays focused on the most important and current meetings, helping you manage your time and priorities more effectively.
You also have the option to delete 1-on-1s that are no longer relevant. Deleted 1-on-1s no longer appear anywhere in 15Five for either participant.