Add eNPS to an engagement campaign

Unlocking valuable insights into employee satisfaction and loyalty is a key endeavor for any organization seeking to foster a positive workplace culture. One powerful tool in this pursuit is the Employee Net Promoter Score, or eNPS, which can be added to any engagement campaign to assess the likelihood of employees recommending their workplace to others. This article walks through how to add an eNPS survey to an engagement campaign, as well as how to report on eNPS following the completion of an engagement campaign.

In this article, you will learn...

What is eNPS?

eNPS, short for employee Net Promoter Score, is a valuable metric in gauging employee satisfaction and loyalty. When incorporated into an engagement campaign, it involves asking respondents a crucial question about their likelihood to recommend the organization as a great place to work, offering insights beyond numerical scores.

When eNPS is added to an engagement campaign, respondents will be asked:

  • "On a scale from 0-10, how likely are you to recommend {Organization Display Name} as a great place to work?". Respondents answer this question on a 10-point Likert scale with 0 being very unlikely to 10 being very likely.
  • Respondents also have the option to provide an open response to the prompt, "What was the primary reason for your answer?".


Add eNPS to a campaign

The eNPS survey is not included in engagement campaigns by default and must be added manually. Follow the steps below to add eNPS to a campaign

  1. Go through the steps to create an engagement campaign. If you select the option to create an express survey, rather than a manual campaign, you will need to customize it to include eNPS.
  2. When you reach the step to select a survey(s) for your campaign, select the "eNPS" option and click Add.
  3. If desired, add additional surveys to your campaign. You can see a list of all available survey options in this article.
  4. Finish going through the steps of creating the engagement campaign. The eNPS statements will be included in the survey that goes out to participants on the launch date.

View eNPS Results

eNPS results will be available for the organization and any group that meets confidentiality standards when the assessment closes.

  • The eNPS score and response breakdown will be displayed in eNPS tab of results
  • Comments related to the eNPS question will be displayed in the Feedback section of the Engage Portal
View the eNPS Score and Response Breakdown
  1. Click Engagement in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. [HR admins] You'll be directed to the Engagement Overview page in 15Five. From here, scroll to the "Completed surveys" section and find the survey you want to view results for. Then, click View results.
  3. [Non-HR admins] In the campaign list, find the completed campaign you want to view results for and click View results to its right.
  4. You are now in the Engagement reporting tab for the campaign. From here, click into the eNPS tab.
  5. The eNPS score and response breakdown will display for the organization or group that is selected in the filter bar. eNPS-Score-Response.png
  6. If eNPS has been included in more than one campaign, a trend line will display below the eNPS score. This is a great way to monitor how the eNPS score changes over time.Screen_Shot_2021-11-18_at_5.07.46_PM.png
  7. eNPS scores can be viewed and compared between groups by going to the View Scores By section and selecting an attribute to filter by.
View eNPS Comments

Comments given to the eNPS statement ("What was the primary reason for your answer?") can be accessed in the Feedback tab by following the steps below.

  1. Click Engagement in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. [HR admins] You'll be directed to the Engagement Overview page in 15Five. From here, scroll to the "Completed surveys" section and find the survey you want to view results for. Then, click View results.
  3. [Non-HR admins] In the campaign list, find the completed campaign you want to view results for and click View results to its right.
  4. Click into the Feedback tab in the main, left-hand navigation of the Engage Portal.
  5. Make sure that the campaign you want to view results for is selected in the "Comments from" field at the top of the screen.
  6. Use the "Type" filter to select "eNPS." If you'd like to view only comments with a negative, neutral, or positive sentiment, or filter responses by manager, apply the appropriate filters.
    Screenshot 2023-10-20 at 10.59.22 AM.png
  7. You will now see a list of all eNPS comments that match your selected filters.

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