Results notification emails

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This article is no longer accurate and will be archived in Q3 2023. Please refer to our "Notifications sent out before, during, and after an engagement campaign" article for updated information on Engagement-specific notifications.

Users with Results Access will receive an email notification from 15Five ( when an engagement assessment has closed and results are available to view in the dashboard.

What does the email look like?

The email will let users know that engagement results are available and will include a link to the results in the engagement dashboard.


Who Receives the Email?

By default, all users with results access will receive the notification email. This can be changed for your organization by going to Settings > Assessment Settings.

In the Assessment Settings section, there is a setting to "Send email notifications to "Leaders" when results are ready" where the results notifications can be managed. When this setting is set to No, users with administrative access (Engagement Admin and Organization Admins) will still receive the email so they can review the results and employee data. However, users with access to only view results (Leaders with full or limited access) will not receive a notification email. You can read about different user roles and how to change them in our "Roles and permissions in Engagement" Help Center article.

Note: This setting is only applied to assessments that have not been completed. Once an assessment is completed, changes to this setting will not be applied to that assessment. The setting will be used for any future pending or in-progress assessments.

When is the email sent?

The email notification is sent to users with administrative access (Engagement Admin and Organization Admins) when the assessment closes. If the setting to send to Leaders is on, the email notification will be sent to users with the Leader role one week after the assessment closes. This gives administrative users time to review the data and make any grouping notifications before anyone else is notified.

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