15Five's Private Manager Assessment and Manager Effectiveness Assessment

15Five offers both a default Private Manager Assessment and Manager Effectiveness Assessment that can be included in Best-Self Review® cycles. The questions included in these sections are rooted in science and allow review writers to reflect on the performance and impact of their direct reports or managers, respectively. This article walks through which questions are included in these assessments by default.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Best-Self Review® and Template configuration.
👥 This article is relevant to Review admins.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform and Total Platform pricing packages.

What is the Private Manager Assessment?

The Private Manager Assessment is a set of questions that appears in the manager reviews of Best-Self Review® cycles. In this section of the manager review, managers answer future-focused questions to help make career decisions about a direct report.

By default, the Private Manager Assessment contains 5 future-focused questions inspired by research from Deloitte and highlighted in the Harvard Business Review article, Reinventing Performance Management. These questions help reduce bias and can help managers more objectively assess performance and promotion readiness over time.

You can choose to use 15Five's default Private Manager Assessment questions or create your own.

15Five's default Private Manager Assessment questions are:
  • [Name] is ready for a promotion today. [Strongly disagree > Strongly agree]
  • [Name] is at risk for low performance. [Strongly disagree > Strongly agree]
  • Given what I know of [Name]’s current performance, and if it were my money, I would award them the highest possible increase and bonus. [Strongly disagree > Strongly agree]
  • Given how well I know [Name] works with others, I would always want them on my team. [Strongly disagree > Strongly agree]
  • Given what I know of [Name]’s performance, if [Name] got a job offer somewhere else, I would feel [Relieved > Accepting > Neutral > Anxious > Distressed]

Help Center article💡: What is the Private Manager Assessment?

What is the Manager Effectiveness Assessment?

The Manager Effectiveness Assessment is a set of 8 rating-scale questions that can be included in a Best-Self Review® cycle. These questions measure how well a manager demonstrates effectiveness competencies from the perspective of their direct reports (in upward reviews) and themselves (in self reviews).



You can use the data collected in this assessment to measure manager effectiveness in your organization by including it in your Manager Effectiveness Indicator configuration.

The Manager Effectiveness Assessment can be collected through a stand-alone manager effectiveness review cycle or added to a larger review cycle. When you add the Manager Effectiveness Assessment to a review cycle, participants are asked to rate manager effectiveness competencies using a five-point scale (Never demonstrates > Always demonstrates). Here's an example of what this looks like in a review cycle:

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 9.16.03 AM.png

Help Center article💡: Run a manager effectiveness review cycle

15Five's Manager Effectiveness competencies are:
  • Demonstrating Business Acumen: Analyze complex situations, anticipate future trends and possibilities, and develop plans that take into account various factors and contingencies across a business environment.
  • Setting Goals: Prioritize work and define measurable objectives that an individual or organization wants to achieve. Identify the desired outcome or results and develop a plan to reach that goal.
  • Enabling Productivity: Create an environment or provide resources and tools that allow individuals to work efficiently and effectively toward achieving their goals. Identify the factors that may hinder productivity and find ways to eliminate or mitigate them.
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback: Provide or get information about performance, behavior, or actions with the intention of improvement or the continuation of doing something well.
  • Influencing Others: Affects people's beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Have an awareness of people, their values, and needs, and use this knowledge as a means to drive organizational impact.
  • Supporting Career Growth: Help individuals to develop the knowledge, skills, and experience they need to achieve their career goals. Mentor, train, coach, and provide opportunities for learning and growth.
  • Building Strong Teams: Foster their team to work well together, be committed to a common purpose, and achieve their goals efficiently and effectively together.
  • Managing Oneself: Stay organized, focused, and productive while also managing their teams effectively.

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