Once you nominate peers to review you, your nominations must be approved by your manager and accepted by the peers themselves. As the peer nomination deadline approaches, we recommend revisiting your 'Peer nominations' tab to check the status of the nominations you sent.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Best-Self Review®.
👥 This article is relevant to review cycle participants.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform and Total Platform pricing packages.

Check the status of your peer nominations

  1. Click on Best-Self Review® in the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Open the review cycle you want to nominate peer reviewers for.
  3. Click on the 'Peer nominations' tab at the top of your page.
  4. If you're not a manager in the review cycle, continue directly to step #5. If you are a manager, you will land on the 'My team' page, on which you can nominate people to review your direct reports. To manage your own peers, click on the 'My nominations' tab.
  5. Your peer nomination table contains two columns: Manager status and Peer status.Peer-Nom-Status-Table.png
  6. For each nomination, the Manager status column will contain one of the following statuses:
    • Pending: This means your manager hasn't yet responded to the nomination. Consider reaching out to them to ask them to either approve or deny your peer nominations.
    • Approved: This means your manager has approved the peer nomination and it's been sent to the peer to accept or decline.
    • Denied: This means your manager denied the peer nomination. You can remove this nomination by clicking the Remove button, and then nominate someone in their place.
  7. For each nomination, the Peer status column will contain one of the following statuses:
    • Pending: This means the peer hasn't yet responded to the nomination. Consider reaching out to the peer directly and asking them to approve or decline your nomination.
    • AcceptedThis means the peer has accepted the nomination and is responsible for writing a peer review of you.
    • Declined: This means the peer declined to review you. You can remove this nomination by clicking the Remove button, and then nominate someone in their place.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the window for nominating peers?

Peers can be nominated up until the review cycle's end date or until your review results have been finalized— whichever comes first.

What happens if my manager doesn't approve one of my nominated peers?

If your manager or someone else in an administrative role denies one of your peer nominations, you can remove the nomination and nominate someone else in their place.

What happens if a person declines my peer nomination?

If someone declines your peer nomination, you can remove the nomination and nominate someone else in their place.

How can I remove a peer nomination that's already been approved by my manager?

If the nomination has been approved by your manager and is pending a response from the peer, you can either 1) reach out to the peer directly and ask them to respond to the nomination or 2) ask your manager to remove the peer nomination.

If you want to remove a peer nomination that has already been approved by your manager and accepted by the peer, you can ask your manager to remove the peer nomination.

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