Use Manager Copilot to maximize 1-on-1 meetings

Meaningful 1-on-1s are an art and a science. Manager Copilot provides recommended talking points that incorporate best practices from Transform’s repository of manager effectiveness content while incorporating details unique to individual team members. This unique combination of situational understanding plus evidence-based recommendations will help managers increase employee engagement, retention, and performance through 1-on-1s.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

👥 This article is relevant to managers who are assigned Transform seats.
📦 This feature is available to Transform seat holders in companies on the Total Platform pricing package.

Draft 1-on-1 talking points using Manager Copilot

Access a 1-on-1 agenda
  1. Click on 1-on-1s in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. You'll land on your 'My 1-on-1s' page. From here, click on the name of the direct report whose 1-on-1 you want to access.
  3. [If you don't already have a current 1-on-1 agenda with the person you selected] Click Create a new 1-on-1.
  4. Click Start crafting my 1-on-1.
Draft talking points
  1. Click Recommend talking points at the top of your 1-on-1 agenda.
  2. The Manager Copilot Assistant will open on the left-hand side of your screen with recommended talking points for your 1-on-1 meeting.
  3. Add a recommended talking point to your 1-on-1 agenda by clicking Add a talking point or Add a private talking point.


    Private talking points will not be visible to the other 1-on-1 participant.

  4. From there, add Copilot's recommended talking points one at a time, making edits as desired.

Get support around having effective 1-on-1 meetings

The "Ask Copilot about 1-on-1s" functionality enables managers to receive answers to questions about holding 1-on-1s based on management best practices.

  1. At the top of a current 1-on-1 agenda, click Ask Copilot about 1-on-1s.
  2. The Manager Copilot Assistant will open on the left-hand side of your screen. Copilot can help you with the following tasks:
    • Creating a 1-on-1 agenda with the most important talking points, such as wins, blockers, feedback, and goals
    • Preparing for your 1-on-1 in a way that ensures it’s meaningful and productive
    • Learning what makes a great 1-on-1 and how to use it to increase psychological safety on your team
  3. Ask questions about 1-on-1s and Copilot will provide recommendations based on management best practices.

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