If you want to have visibility into another person's Check-ins, you can request permission to "follow" them. Follow requests are sent to the other person and, if they accept, will give you access to view and interact with their Check-in. This includes commenting, liking, and passing up answers. You can also choose to be notified each time they submit their Check-in.
In this article, you will learn...
If you want to allow someone else to follow your Check-ins, check out our "Add a follow to view your Check-ins" Help Center article.
Followers can see all past Check-ins by default. Please reach out to 15Five's Support Team if you want your previously submitted Check-ins to be private to your manager only.
Request to follow someone's Check-ins
- Click on the Settings gear in the top, right-hand corner of your 15Five account.
- Select 'My settings' from the dropdown menu.
- At the top of the page, click to open the 'Check-in visibility' tab.
- Then click on the 'Whose 15Fives can I see?' tab.
- Click into the 'Followers' box.
- If you are currently following anyone's Check-ins, their names will appear here. If you want to request to view someone's Check-ins, click the Request to see people's Check-ins button.
- Search for the name of the person whose Check-ins you want visibility into and click Request to follow next to their name. Both an in-app notification and an email notification (pictured below) will be sent to the person so they can approve or deny your request.
You will not have visibility into their Check-ins until your follow request is accepted. They will not have visibility into your Check-ins simply because you were added as a follower to their Check-ins.
Uh-oh: I lost the follower approval email
When you request to follow another person's Check-ins, they will get an in-app notification and an email notification asking them to approve or deny your request. Similarly, if someone requests to follow your Check-ins, you will receive an in-app notification and email notification. If the follow request email was lost or if you do not see the email, you can approve the request in-app by following the steps below.
- Click on the Settings gear in the top, right-hand corner of your 15Five account.
- Select 'My settings' from the dropdown menu.
- At the top of the page, click to open the 'Check-in visibility' tab.
- From the 'Who can see my Check-ins' tab, click in the 'Followers' box. From here, click either Approve or Ignore.
Need to remove a follower? Click into the 'Followers' box select the Remove Follower button to the right of the follower you want to remove.
Related articles 📖
- How to add a follower to view your own Check-ins
- How to manage your notifications so you can receive alerts via Slack or email when a person you follow submits a Check-in
- How to review or interact with a person's Check-in
- How to add someone as an additional manager in a Best-Self Review® cycle