Email notifications for a review cycle

Doing reviews at a company can feel like directing an orchestra—there are a lot of moving parts and people to manage. To take the burden off of review admins, we automatically inform review participants of important milestones and remind them when something is due. We also send emails that are action based, meaning when someone takes an action, the email is triggered. While most of our emails are automated, we do give people the option to nudge employees who need additional reminders. We allow review admins to manage review emails from the company notifications page. Below is an overview of emails that can be sent during a Best-Self Review™.

Name & description of notification When is it sent? And who receives it? Can I disable this notification?

Reminders to complete self, manager, peer, OR, upward review(s)

This email is managed in the Review notification settings and serves as a reminder to participants and review writers to fill out their review(s). This same email is used as a reminder for all reviews and can be sent 3 days before, and/or the day of. Once submitted, emails will stop. Past due email is down lower on this sheet.

8:50 am UTC 3 days before a due day, the day before a due day, and the day of a due day (assuming all options are enabled in the Reviews notification settings)


Review writer(s)


Manager Approved Peers


This email is sent to participants indicating what peers have been approved by their manager. If peer settings are anonymous, the identities of peers will not be included in the email.

Upon manager approval if approved before the "manager approve peers by" date or the day after "manager approve peers by" date selected if no action is taken by manager




New admin: BSR best practices


This email is sent to give new review admin tips on having a successful review cycle.

When a new review admin is added in Manage Features>Best-Self Review>Review Admins in 15Five.


New review admin(s)


Admin: Intro to BSR


This email is sent to introduce our Reviews feature to a new review admin.

When a new review admin is added in Manage Features- "Best-Self Review"- Review Admins in 15Five.


New review admin(s)


Manager nudge to nominate peers


This email is sent to participants reminding them to nominate peers to review them.

When a manager selects "nudge" from the 'Peer nominations' tab under 'Peers for your team'.




Decline Peer Nomination - to manager


This email is sent to the manager of the participant indicating that the peer declined to review their direct report.

When a peer declines a peer nomination of their direct report(s)- 8:10am UTC the morning after a peer nomination is declined




Decline Peer Nomination - to person who nominated


This email is sent to the participant indicating that a peer they nominated, and their manager approved, has declined the nomination.

When an already approved peer declines a peer nomination




Peer nomination- You've been nominated!


This email is sent to notify an employee that they have been nominated as a peer to review a participant in the cycle.

When an employee has been nominated by the participant AND approved by the participant's manager


Nominated employee(s)


Peer Nomination Removal


This email is sent to notify an employee that their previously approved peer review of the indicated employee has been removed and they no longer have to complete that peer review.

When an already approved peer is retroactively removed by the participant's manager.


Nominated employee(s)


Peer Nominations Due


This email is sent to notify participants that their peer nominations are due in 3 days

When a peer has not nominated the min number of peers within 3 days of the peer nomination deadline. This email is also sent out the day peer nominations are due, if the notification setting is enabled in Manage Features>Best-Self Review™>company notification settings.




Peer Nominations Due Team


This email is sent to notify managers that their team's peer nominations are due in 6 days

6 days before the peer nomination deadline




Manager Finalizes Review Results


This email is sent to participants letting them know that their manager has finalized the reviews and shared the results with them. There is an included link to view their review results in 15Five.

When a manager shares and finalizes the results




Manager Shares Review Results


This email is sent to participants letting them know that their manager has released the summary for viewing. Admins can opt-out all participants from this email in the review settings page.

When a manager shares the review results




Activate Reviews Email


This email is sent to admins when Best-Self Review™ is enabled in Manage Features to make them aware that the feature was enabled.

When Best-Self Review™ is enabled by an admin


Account administrator(s)


Cycle Ended Email


This email is sent to participants letting them know that the cycle has ended.

Day after the cycle end date has passed




Review cycle kickoff


Kick-off email listing important dates and custom message set in Manage features>Best-Self Review page.

8:23am in the company's timezone on the day the review cycle starts.


Participant(s) and review admin(s)


Review cycle kickoff, manager review only


This email is sent if a manager has direct reports that are participating in the cycle, but the manager themselves is not a participant.This email explains which direct reports are participating and what they as the manager will be expected to do for that review cycle.

8:23am in the company's timezone on the day the review cycle starts.


Managers whose direct report(s) are participants, except review admins; these managers are not participants themselves. Review admins do not receive this


Review cycle kickoff, upward review only


This email is sent if a direct report's manager is a participant in the cycle but the direct report is not. The email lets the direct report know that their manager is participating in a cycle and they will be required to fill out an upward review of them.

8:23am in the company's timezone on the day the review cycle starts.


Direct reports whose manager is a participant except review admins; these direct report(s) are not participants themselves. Review admins do not receive this


Deactivate Reviews Email


This email is sent to inform account admins that Best-Self Review has been deactivated from the Manage Features page in 15Five, indicating which admin deactivated the feature.

When Best-Self Review™ is disabled by an admin in Manage Features


Account admin(s)


Cycle was deleted


This email is sent when a cycle has been deleted informing participants that they no longer have to fill out their review(s).

When a cycle is deleted




Cycle was deleted- upcoming cycle


This email is sent to indicate that an upcoming review cycle was deleted and by which review admin.

When an upcoming cycle is deleted


Review admin(s)


New Review Admin Email


This email is sent to new review admin letting them know they were added as a review admin

When they are added as a review admin


New review admin(s)


New review cycle


This email is sent when a new review cycle is created and which review admin created it.

When a new review cycle is created


Review admin(s)


No Review Admins Email


This email is sent to inform account admins that there are no active review admins

When all review admins are removed in the Manage Feature's screen- Best-Self Review™- Review Admins, leaving no additional review admins to manage reviews- 8:35am UTC every morning


Account administrator(s)


Overdue review cycle


This email is sent to let review admins know that the upcoming review cycle was not launched because it has yet to be approved. Gives steps on how to launch.

Day after previously selected start date


Review admin(s)


Repeating Cycle Biannual Email


This email is sent to notify review admins that their biannual review cycle is upcoming, indicating they need to approve the cycle for it to start on time.

Sent out 8:40am UTC 7 days


Review admin(s)


Repeating Cycle Quarterly Email


This email is sent to notify review admins that their quarterly review cycle is upcoming, indicating they need to approve the cycle for it to start on time.

Sent out 8:45am UTC 7 days prior


Review admin(s)


Upcoming review cycle


This email is sent to notify review admins there is an upcoming review cycle starting within 7 days and that it requires approval.

1 week/7 days from cycle start date


Review admin(s)


Review Milestones changed


This email is sent to inform review admins that milestone/deadlines have been updated in the review cycle's settings.

When they are updated


Review admin(s)


Nudge Final Review Admin


Nudge email to remind managers to share review results with their direct reports.

When a review admin hits "nudge" to remind managers




Nudge Final Review from Participant


Nudge email to remind manager to share review results.

When a participant selects "nudge" to remind their manager




Nudge Finalize Review Admin


Nudge to finalize the review for a participant/direct report sent to their manager.

When a review admin hits "nudge" to remind managers




Nudge Finalize Review Reporter


Nudge to finalize the review for a participant/direct report sent to their manager.

When a participant selects "nudge" to remind their manager




Nudge Manager Review Writers


Nudge to complete manager review(s) for their direct report(s) that are participants in the cycle.

When a manager selects "nudge" to remind review writers to complete their manager review(s)




Nudge No Peers Selected


Nudge to nominate peers

When a manager or review admin selects "nudge" to remind participants




Nudge Peer Review Writers


Nudge to submit peer reviews

When a manager or review admin selects "nudge" to remind accepted peers




Nudge Peers Need Approval


Nudge to manager to approve peer nominations for their direct report

When a participant selects "nudge" to remind their manager to approve/deny nominations




Nudge Self Review Writers


Nudge email sent to complete self review

When a manager or review admin selects "nudge" to remind participants to complete their self review




Nudge Upward Review Writers


Nudge email sent to complete upward review

When a manager or review admin selects nudge




Participant removed from cycle


This email is sent to removed participants informing them that they were removed from the review cycle and no longer need to participate in the review.

When they are removed from the cycle.




Reviews are past due


This email is sent to review writers that did not submit their review(s) by the deadline.

The day after the due day for the review.




Peer Completes Review


When a peer completes their peer review of a participant, this email is sent to inform the participant that their peer (if setting allows for name to be shown) submitted a peer review. If settings are anonymous, the peer's name will not appear.

When review is submitted and the participant does not have a manager to approve the peer nomination, so it is automatically shared.




Reviews Removed Answer


This email is sent when an answer on a peer or upward review was removed by a review admin and/or manager (depending on settings).

If the review setting that allows managers or review admins to remove peer/upward review answers is selected, this is sent when the answer is selected to be removed from the final shared results for the participant.


Review writer(s)


Review Reported Answer


This email is sent to review admin to inform them that a manager has reported a peer review answer as not being appropriate/for removal. The email gives the review admin next steps on removing, allowing editing, or keeping as is.

If the review setting that allows managers or review admins to remove peer/upward review answers is selected, this is sent when the answer is selected to be removed from the final shared results by the manager.


Review admin(s)


Reporter Completes Self Review


This email is sent to alert a manager that their direct report has submitted their self review. Additionally, it lets the manager know that they can review it and submit their manager review.

When self review is submitted.




Request To Edit Review


This email is sent to request editing access of a self review. Sent on behalf of the manager's direct report(s).

When a participant requests to edit their self review.




Review Is Reopened


This email is sent to inform the participant that their manager has allowed editing of their self review.

When a manager approves the editing of the direct report's self review.




Schedule Final Meeting


This email is sent to remind managers to schedule their final meeting & go over the reviews with the participant. The Share and Finalize deadline is included in email.

After manager review is submitted or after final meeting start date has passed- 8:30am UTC every morning




Schedule Final Meeting Last Day


This email is sent to alert managers that today is the last day to hold final meetings/share and finalize results.

The 'final meeting' deadline- 8:30am UTC




Individual Settings Change Email


This email contains a list of all changes that were made to upward/manager reviews on the 'Edit individual settings' page (if setting to edit these is enabled). The email will show who the person is responsible for writing a manager/upward review of, as well as who they no longer have to write a manager/upward review of.

After a review admin changes settings on the 'Edit individual settings' page.




Upward Review Writer Completes Review


This email is sent to alert the manager's manager that a direct report has completed the upward review of their direct report. Name will not be included if settings are anonymous. If the manager (who is the subject of the upward review) does not have a manager themselves, then they will get this email upon submission stating that an upward review has been completed about them.

After an upward review is submitted.


Participant's manager(s) (aka the manager's manager) OR the manager themselves if they don't have their own manager



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