Skip Check-ins with vacations

Vacations in 15Five allow you to skip Check-ins for yourself, multiple people, specific groups, or your entire company. Use cases for vacations include creating a vacation during a holiday break to excuse your team from submitting Check-ins while they're OOO, creating a vacation to delay the launch of Check-ins while your team is onboarding into 15Five, or creating a vacation for review cycle participants during an active review cycle so they can focus on completing reviews, rather than filling out Check-ins. The sole purpose of vacations in 15Five is to skip Check-ins, not as a point of reference for your team to see when upcoming days off are.

If a vacation overlaps with a Check-in period by even one day, that Check-in will be skipped by the vacation. If a Check-in is skipped by a vacation, individuals will not receive Check-in reminder. Check-ins that are skipped by vacations show as "On vacation" in individual accounts and don't count against Check-in submission rates in reporting. If you'd like to fill out a Check-in that's skipped by a vacation, please see the "Complete a skipped Check-in" section of this article.

In this article, you will learn...


Who can set vacations?

  • Account admins can set vacations for anyone. This includes individual, group, and company-wide vacations.
  • Direct managers can set vacations for their direct reports. 
  • Individuals can set vacations for themselves.

Set a company-wide vacation

  1. Click the 'Settings' gear in the top right-hand corner of 15Five.
  2. Select 'Company settings' from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click 'Vacations' in the top navigation bar.
  4. Set the start and end date for the company's time off add notes (optional).
  5. Click Add vacation.


If a vacation overlaps with a Check-in period by even one day, that Check-in will be skipped by the vacation. If you'd like to fill out a Check-in that's skipped by a vacation, please see the "Complete a skipped Check-in" section of this article.

Set a vacation for yourself

  1. Click the 'Settings' gear in the top right-hand corner of 15Five.
  2. Select 'My settings' from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click 'Vacations' in the top navigation bar.
  4. Click the Add a new vacation button.
  5. Enter your vacation dates.
  6. After you select vacation dates, all Check-ins that's dates overlap with the vacation will appear under 'Select the Check-in(s) you’d like to skip while you’re away'. Make sure the box is checked next to any Check-ins you want to skip during your time out of the office.
  7. Click Add vacation.

Set a vacation for others

  1. Click the 'Settings' gear in the top right-hand corner of 15Five.
  2. Select 'People' from the dropdown menu. You'll land on the 'Manage people' page.
  3. On the 'Manage people' page, check the box(es) to the left of the person or people you'd like to set the vacation for.
    If you want to set a vacation for a group(s) or for everyone who reports to a specific manager(s), click the Filter by button at the top of the people list, and select the appropriate group(s) or manager(s) from the dropdown menu, and click Apply filters. All users who match the applied filter(s) will appear in the list and you can check the box to the left of each person's name to bulk add a vacation.
  4. Once you've checked the boxes next to everyone you want to set a vacation for, click the Bulk actions button and select 'Set vacation' from the dropdown.
  5. Select your vacation dates. All Check-ins that's dates overlap with the vacation period will be skipped.
  6. Click Set vacation.

Complete a skipped Check-in

You have the ability to override vacation settings if you'd like to complete a skipped Check-in. To do so, open the Check-in you want to fill out and click "Undo skip settings" on the vacation placeholder screen.

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