Bulk close or archive all past-due objectives

At the end of every month, quarter, or year, objectives should be assessed and closed to make way for the new objectives. Usually, objective owners close out their objectives when the end dates pass— but this isn't always the case. In this article, we'll walk account admins through how to bulk-close or archive all past-due objectives. This bulk action will close or archive all past-due objectives that are visible to the account administrator.

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Objectives.
👥 This article is relevant to Account admins.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform, Legacy Focus, and Total Platform pricing packages.



This action is "all or nothing," meaning that you cannot pick and choose which past-due objectives to close/archive in bulk.

Bulk close or archive all past-due objectives

  1. Click on Objectives in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. You will land on the 'All objectives' page. From here, click the ... in the upper, right-hand side of the page and select either 'Close all past due objectives' or 'Archive all past due objectives' from the dropdown menu.



    Closing an objective holds the last known status, including the overall completion %, and updates its status to "Closed." Archiving an objective prevents any further updates and is typically used when an objective is no longer relevant but you want to keep a paper trail of it in 15Five, or when an objective is getting put on a temporary hiatus.

  3. After making your selection, a window will appear to confirm your changes. THIS ACTION CANNOT BE UNDONE. To proceed with closing or archiving the objectives, click the orange Close # objective(s) button.
  4. The objectives will be closed.

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