15Five's "groups" feature allows you to create subsets of people to organize your company based on business units, departments, locations, common interests, and more. It also allows you to edit group settings and apply visibility and Check-in settings to members of a specific group.

In this article, you will learn...



Group admins and account admins can edit group settings from the group page. Account admins can edit group Check-in settings from within feature settings.

Video 🎥: Create and manage groups (4 min)

Edit group settings from the group page

This section walks through how to edit group name, type, admins, members, visibility settings, and Check-in settings from the group page.

Access a group page

  1. Click on the 'Settings' gear in the top, right-hand corner of 15Five.
  2. Select 'People' from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click to open the 'Manage groups' tab.
  4. Search for the name of the group you want to edit settings for using the search bar at the top of the screen.
    Or, click into the group's group type and open the group you want to edit settings for.
  5. Click the 'Settings' gear in the top, right-hand corner of the group page and select 'Edit group' from the dropdown menu.
  6. You're now on the 'Edit group' page. Here, you can edit the following:
    - Group name
    - Group type
    - Group admins
    - Group members
    - Group settings (covered in step #7)
  7. In the 'Group settings' section, you have the option to edit group visibility and whether or not company-wide Check-in questions and Priorities will appear on group members' Check-ins. When you're done making changes, click Save.

Edit group Check-in settings from within feature settings

While group administrators have the ability to edit most settings for groups, only account administrators can manage the Check-in frequency for the group and cadence of the sections (pulse, priorities, objectives) within their Check-ins. Follow the steps in our "Change the frequency of Check-ins" Help Center article to make these updates.

Featured Help Center article (linked above)💡: Change the frequency of Check-ins

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