Roles and results access in an engagement campaign

Understanding the various roles in an engagement campaign is key to ensuring the survey runs smoothly. Since there are different levels of participation in engagement campaigns, it is important to know which roles are responsible for what and which levels of results access can access results for different groups of people. This article defines each role and its permissions in Engagement.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Engagement.
👥 This article is relevant to all roles.
📦 This feature is available in the Engage, Legacy Perform, and Total Platform pricing packages.



Check out our "Assign roles and results access in Engagement" article for steps on assigning roles and results access to your team.

Engagement roles and results access levels


A person's role determines whether or not they'll see the Engagement feature in 15Five's main navigation. There are four roles in Engagement: Employee, Leader, Organization Admin, and Engagement Admin.


Employees will not see the Engagement feature in 15Five's main navigation and do not have visibility into engagement survey results. Employees can be survey participants. By default, any individual contributor in 15Five is assigned as an employee in Engagement.



Employees cannot be granted results access. If you want an employee to have access to engagement survey results for the whole company or for specific groups, you must assign them as a Leader, Organization Admin, or Engagement Admin.


Leaders will see the Engagement feature in 15Five's main navigation and may or may not have results access (depending on their assigned results access level). By default, any Manager in 15Five is assigned as a leader in Engagement.



If the "Results Access" option in Engagement feature settings is toggled on, all Leaders will have access to results for their hierarchies without needing to be assigned additional results access. That said, if someone in a leader's hierarchy is included in a targeted campaign, they won't be able to see results unless they have results access for a group that was included in the targeted campaign.

Organization Admin

Organization Admins will see the Engagement feature in 15Five's main navigation and may or may not have results access (depending on their assigned results access level). They can adjust feature settings and employee and group data. By default, any Account admin in 15Five is assigned as an Organization Admin in Engagement.

Help Center article 💡: What to expect: I'm an Organization Admin (COMING SOON!)

Engagement Admin

Part of the HR admin role. Engagement Admins will see the Engagement feature in 15Five's main navigation and have full results access for all engagement campaigns. Engagement Admins have the same abilities as Organization Admins, plus the ability to create and manage engagement campaigns.

Help Center article 💡: Manage HR admins
Help Center article 💡: What to expect: I'm an Engagement Admin (COMING SOON!)

Results access levels

A person's results access level determines their access to engagement survey results. There are three results access levels: full, limited, and none.

Full Access

Individuals with full results access have full visibility into company-wide results and details for all groups. Learn how to view organizational engagement results.

Limited Access

Individuals with limited results access have access to results and details for the groups they have results access for. Once you give someone limited access, you'll be asked to select which groups they have results access for.

In addition, they can see the following company results:

  • Response Rate
  • Engagement Score
  • Engagement Level
  • Engagement Trend/Flow
  • Engagement Driver scores

Learn how to view engagement results as a Limited Access Leader.



To have visibility into results for a targeted engagement campaign, a person must have results access for the specific groups that were targeted in the campaign. For example: A leader may have access to a person’s results (e.g. via Manager or Hierarchy groups), but if they don’t have explicit access to the targeted group(s), they won’t be able to see results.


Individuals with no results access cannot see results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why can't I access results for a targeted engagement campaign?

Targeted engagement campaigns allow Engagement Admins to send surveys out to specific groups of individuals within their organization. To have visibility into a results for a targeted engagement campaign, you must have results access for the specific groups that were targeted in the campaign.

For example: A leader may have access to a person’s results (e.g. via Manager or Hierarchy groups), but if they don’t have explicit access to the targeted group(s), they won’t be able to see results.

Do managers automatically have visibility into engagement results for their hierarchies?

Not by default. However, Admins can grant all leaders visibility into the engagement results of their hierarchies by toggling on the "Results Access" option in Engagement feature settings. This setting gives all Leaders access to results for their hierarchies without needing to be assigned additional results access. That said, if someone in a leader's hierarchy is included in a targeted campaign, they won't be able to see results unless they have results access for a group that was included in the targeted campaign.

What company-wide results can leaders with limited results access see?

Employees with limited access can view organization-wide Engagement Score, Response Rate, and Engagement Drivers score, but cannot apply filters when viewing results.

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