Notifications sent out before, during, and after an engagement campaign

This article walks through the notifications that are sent to admins and participants throughout the course of an engagement campaign.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Engage
👥 This article is relevant to all roles.
📦 This feature is available in the Engage, Legacy Perform, and Total Platform pricing packages.

Email notifications sent before an engagement campaign launches

Notifications sent to organization and engagement admins

As you are preparing for and running a campaign, email notifications will be sent to admin users (Engagement and Organization admins) to help you know what is needed at each step in the process. 

Assessment is scheduled

(sent when a session is manually scheduled)

Subject: Your Checklist: Engagement Assessment scheduled for {Date}

Save the date for your next engagement assessment!

Hi there,

An Engagement Assessment is planned for {Organization} on {Date} at {Time} (ET). The assessment is scheduled to close on {Date} with the final reminder going to employees on {Date}. The assessment is scheduled, but will need to be confirmed by your Engagement Admin, {Name or Email}, in order for it to send on the scheduled date.

[View Assessment]

Here are a few things to review before confirming:

  • Reminder Type - This is how we will send assessment reminders to employees. Your Engagement Admin can update this at any time.
  • Participant List - The assessment will be sent to employees in the Active Employees list. You can update the participants here.
  • Reminder Schedule - We will send notifications at the scheduled dates and times to employees who have not yet participated in the assessment. Your Engagement Admin can make updates to the schedule or add more reminders.
  • Terminology Substitutions - Wording in the assessment can be updated to best align with your organization. Review or select new terms here.
  • Whitelisting - Make sure to whitelist emails from 15Five so the assessment reminders can be sent to employees. Follow these instructions.
Thirty-day reminder

(sent thirty days before the assessment start date if an assessment is scheduled)

Subject: Engagement Assessment planned for {date}

It's time to plan your next engagement assessment.

Hi there,

Your next Engagement Assessment is planned for {date} at {time}. Your Engagement Admin {name or email} can confirm or edit the date.

[View Next Assessment]

Here are a few things to review before confirming:

  • Participants - The assessment will be sent to employees in the Active Employees list. You can update the participants here.
  • Reminder Type - This is how we will send assessment reminders to employees. Your Engagement Admin can update this at any time.
  • Assessment Notifications - We will send notifications at the scheduled dates and times to employees who have not yet participated in the assessment. Your Engagement Admin can make updates to the schedule or add more reminders.
  • Terminology Substitutions - Wording in the assessment can be updated to best align with your organization. Review or select new terms here.
  • Whitelisting - Make sure to whitelist emails from 15Five so the assessment reminders can be sent to employees. Follow these instructions.
Reminder to Confirm Assessment

(sent one week, three, two, and one day(s) before scheduled start date if assessment is not confirmed)

Subject: Don't forget your engagement assessment needs to be confirmed before {Date}

There's one more step before the assessment is ready to send.

Hi there,

An Engagement Assessment is planned for {Organization} on {Date} at {Time} (ET). The assessment is scheduled, but will need to be confirmed by your Engagement Admin, {Name or Email}, in order for it to send on the scheduled date.

[View Assessment]

Before the assessment is confirmed, make sure to review these items:

  • Reminder Type - This is how we will send assessment reminders to employees. Your Engagement Admin can update this at any time.
  • Participant List - The assessment will be sent to employees in the Active Employees list. You can update the participants here.
  • Reminder Schedule - We will send notifications at the scheduled dates and times to employees who have not yet participated in the assessment. Your Engagement Admin can make updates to the schedule or add more reminders.
  • Terminology Substitutions - Wording in the assessment can be updated to best align with your organization. Review or select new terms here.
  • Whitelisting - Make sure to whitelist emails from 15Five so the assessment reminders can be sent to employees. Follow these instructions.
Assessment was missed

(sent one hour and one week after start time if assessment was not confirmed)

Subject: Don't forget about your pending Engagement Assessment

We noticed your engagement assessment needs to be updated.

Hi there,

We noticed that there is an Engagement Assessment that was scheduled but never confirmed for {Organization}. The scheduled date and time has passed. Don't worry, your Engagement Admin, {Name or Email}, can pick a new date for the assessment!

[View Assessment]

Here are a few things to review before the assessment is confirmed:

  • Reminder Type - This is how we will send assessment reminders to employees. Your Engagement Admin can update this at any time.
  • Participant List - The assessment will be sent to employees in the Active Employees list. You can update the participants here.
  • Reminder Schedule - We will send notifications at the scheduled dates and times to employees who have not yet participated in the assessment. Your Engagement Admin can make updates to the schedule or add more reminders.
  • Terminology Substitutions - Wording in the assessment can be updated to best align with your organization. Review or select new terms here.
  • Whitelisting - Make sure to whitelist emails from 15Five so the assessment reminders can be sent to employees. Follow these instructions.
Assessment Confirmed

(sent when an assessment is confirmed)

Subject: Confirmed! Your Engagement Assessment will send on {Date}

The assessment is scheduled and ready to send.

Hi there,

The upcoming Engagement Assessment for {Organization} has been confirmed by your Engagement Admin, {Name or Email}, and will send on {Date} at {Time} (ET). It will be available until {Date}.

As you prepare for your assessment, make sure to follow these best practices:

  • Announce the assessment - Make sure to have leaders communicate with employees about the upcoming assessment. You can use these templates to help you plan your communications.
  • Schedule time to meet with your People Insights Consultant - Your Engagement Admin can go ahead and plan your Results Briefings by scheduling them from the Engagement Timeline. Make sure to wait at least three days after your assessment ends on {Date} to allow your consultant to review and analyze the data.
  • Whitelist 15Five Engage emails - Make sure to whitelist emails from 15Five so the assessment reminders can be sent to employees. Follow these instructions.
Assessment Starting Soon

(sent one hour before start time when assessment is confirmed)

Subject: It's here! 15Five Engagement Assessment starting soon

The week is here!

Hi there,

The engagement assessment for {Organization} will launch at {time} (ET) today. It will be available until {Date} at {Time} (ET) with the final reminder going to employees on {Date}.

[View Assessment]

Follow this checklist to have a great survey week:

  • Schedule time to meet with your People Insights Consultant - Your Engagement Admin, {Name or Email}, can go ahead and plan your Results Briefings by scheduling them from the Engagement Timeline. Make sure to wait at least three days after your assessment ends on {Date} to allow your consultant to review and analyze the data.
  • Check response rates - You can track the assessment response rate in real time here.
  • Encourage employees to participate - You can use these sample templates to help promote the assessment to employees.

Notifications sent during an engagement campaign

Notifications sent to participants

Engagement campaign participants will receive notifications reminding them to complete their engagement survey. Depending on the notification type selected during campaign creation (email, SMS, or both), employees will receive notifications via email or text. All participants will receive a notification on the first day of the campaign, and reminders will continue to be sent to employees who haven't yet submitted their surveys at the cadence determined during campaign creation.

Email: Assessment Launch

Subject: {Display name} employee survey

{Display name} has asked 15Five to conduct a confidential employee survey. Please provide honest responses. It will help {Display name} improve your work experience.

The survey takes about 6 minutes to complete.

Email: Reminder 1

Subject: Make sure {Display name} hears from you

You haven't filled out the {Display name} employee survey. It takes an average of 6 minutes, we promise! Please provide honest responses. It will help {Display name} improve your work experience.

Email: Reminder 2

Subject: Have you shared your feedback with {Display name}?

You haven't filled out the {Display name} employee survey. It takes an average of 6 minutes, we promise! Please provide honest responses. It will help {Display name} improve your work experience.

Email: Reminder 3

Subject: {Display name} employee survey closing soon

You haven't filled out the {Display name} employee survey. It takes an average of 6 minutes, we promise! Please provide honest responses. It will help {Display name} improve your work experience.

Email: Final Reminder

Subject: Last chance to take the {Display name} employee survey

Today is the final day to take the {Display name} employee survey. The survey takes about 6 minutes, please complete it before the deadline.

Mobile/text: Assessment Launch

New employee survey available for {Display name}. Take the 6-minute survey now.

Mobile/text: Reminder

REMINDER - Don't forget to complete the 6-minute employee survey available for {Display name}.

Mobile/text: Final Reminder

1 DAY LEFT - Please complete the 6-minute employee survey for {Display name} now.

Notifications sent to organization and engagement admins

Assessment Check-in

Details: This notification is sent to admins one day after the engagement campaign's start date.

Subject: How is the engagement assessment going?

We're entering the second day of the engagement assessment!

Hi there,

We want to make sure your engagement assessment goes smoothly. If you have questions, our team is available at

Here are a few things we recommend you check to make sure your assessment is on track to finish well:

  • Monitor the response rate - You can track the assessment response rate in real time here. By the end of day two, we typically want to aim for a response rate around 50%.
  • Check the bounce back report - You can download a report of any assessment notifications that had errors when sending. This report is available from the timeline. To make changes to the emails or phone numbers in the report, go to Settings > Employees. The next assessment reminder that is sent will use the new contact information.
Assessment Ending Soon

Details: This notification is sent to admins one day before the final reminder is sent out to participants.

Subject: 15Five Engagement Assessment is ending soon

The end date for your engagement assessment is coming soon.

Hi there,

The final reminder for the 15Five Engagement Assessment is scheduled to send tomorrow, {Date}. The assessment will close and results will be available on {Date}.

Follow these best practices before your assessment closes:

  • Check response rate - You can see the current response rate for the organization and groups here.
  • Encourage employees to participate - You can use this email template to remind employees to respond before the assessment closes.
  • Schedule time to meet with your People Insights Consultant - Your Engagement Admin, {Name or Email}, can go ahead and plan your Results Briefings by scheduling them from the Engagement Timeline. Make sure to wait at least three days after your assessment ends on {Date} to allow your consultant to review and analyze the data.

Notifications sent after the completion of an engagement campaign

Notifications sent out to users with results access

Results notification

Details: By default, this email is sent to all organization and engagement admins, as well as leaders with results access. If you'd prefer for only admins to receive this notification, you can change this setting in the "Organization Notifications" section of the Assessment Settings page in Engage.

When: The email notification is sent to users with administrative access (Engagement Admin and Organization Admins) when the assessment closes. If the setting to send results to Leaders is enabled, the email notification will be sent to Leaders one week after the campaign closes. This gives administrative users time to review the data before anyone else is notified.

Subject: Employee feedback from the Engagement Assessment is available for Weber Technology!

Body: Hi there,

Sign in to Engage Portal to view the latest results and feedback.

View Results [direct in-app link]


Why didn't an employee didn't receive a survey email?
There are a few instances when an employee will not receive an invite to complete a survey:
  • The employee wasn't added to the employee list. It is possible the employee wasn't included in the campaign because they weren't in the system. Go to the employee list and check for them by searching or scanning the list
  • The employee has been deactivated or is not receiving surveys. An employee who is in the active employee list might still not receive the survey if their setting to receive surveys is not set to "Yes"
  • Their email or phone number was not correct in our database. To correct this, go to the employee list and update the information for the employee in question.
  • The notifications for the engagement survey was routed to their junk or spam folder. Have employees check both junk and spam to make sure their survey invite was not hidden by mistake and ensure you have properly set up IP and domain whitelisting.

If you still have concerns, contact for additional support.

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