Monitor response rate for an active campaign

Response rate refers to the percentage of participants who have completed their surveys in an engagement campaign. To unlock the full potential of engagement survey results, it's vital to have the highest response rate possible— the more people who respond, the more accurate and accessible results will be following survey completion. In this article, we'll walk through how to monitor the response rate in an active campaign, as well as strategic practices you can implement to boost the response rate.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Engagement results and Group Management.
👥 This article is relevant to Engagement Admins and Organization Admins.
📦 This feature is available in the Engage, Legacy Perform, and Total Platform pricing packages.

View your organization's overall response rate



You can only view your organization's overall response rate once the campaign is completed. The View results option will not be available until the campaign has ended.

  1. Click on Engagement in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. [HR admins] You'll be directed to the Engagement Overview page in 15Five. From here, find the "Active surveys" section and click View results next to the survey you want to view the response rate for.
  3. [Non-HR admins] In the campaign list, click the name of the In-Progress campaign you want to view the response rate for.
  4. You're now on the Campaign Details page. Scroll to the bottom of the "Campaign Details" section and you'll see a line item for Participants. Here, you can see the overall response rate of the campaign.

View response rates for groups

This section walks through how to view response rates for specific groups in a group type using the Group Management page in Engage. The response rates shown on the Group Management page reflect those for active campaigns. If your organization isn't currently running a campaign, the response rate shown reflects those for the most recent survey.

  1. Click on Engagement in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. [HR Admins only] You'll land on the Engagement Overview page in 15Five. From here, click Go to Engage to open the Engage Portal.
  3. Click on the Settings gear in the top, right-hand corner of the Engage Portal and select 'Settings' from the dropdown menu.
  4. You're now on your company's Engagement feature settings page. From here, click on the 'Group Management' tab.
  5. Click Manage to the right of the group type you want to view the response rate for.
  6. Sort the groups in the selected group type by "Response Rate". The Response Rate column is sortable to make it easier to review your data by groups with high or low participation.

Tips for improving response rate in an active campaign

Target communication towards teams with low response rates

If you know your overall response rate is lagging, check team response rates and ask the leaders of teams with lower response rates to remind/encourage their teams to participate.

Remind employees during meetings
If important team and company meetings occur on different days, make sure the survey is included on agendas throughout the week the survey is taking place.
Send an additional reminder email
Although 15Five sends out automated reminder notifications to participants who haven't yet submitted their surveys, consider sending an additional reminder mid-survey using an internal communications tool or company-wide email.
Carve out space for employees to take the survey
Ask your managers to allow their teams to take 6 minutes as they arrive at the job site, office, or at-home workspace for the day to complete the survey. Managers can even add a talking point to weekly 1-on-1s to discuss having their direct reports block off a specific time on their calendars to complete their surveys.

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