Engagement for employees

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What is employee engagement?

We believe engagement at work is a complex emotional and psychological state that, if achieved, can be very beneficial for both your employer and you. That said, ‘engagement’ is not just one thing… here’s how we define it:

“an employee’s intellectual and emotional connection with an employer, demonstrated by motivation and commitment to positively impacting the company vision and goals.”

In other words, focused purposeful energy towards work tasks and company goals results in benefits to the organization as well as you. You can read more in our "What is employee engagement?" Help Center article.

Engagement? Why should I care?

Great question! Here are some examples of what we help our customers with:

  • Getting to the root of workload stressors so teams aren’t stretched too thin
  • Improving communication from leadership on strategic priorities and how those impact your work directly
  • Introducing professional development programs to help with your personal growth
  • Cutting down on politics and morale killers to make the office a better place to spend your days
  • Understanding uneven management practices and recommending manager coaching
  • Improving processes to make your job more efficient

In other words, we set out to find and directly address the biggest obstacles to a great work experience and culture. We don’t let politics and hierarchy get in the way— after all, this is what your leadership signed up for!

How did you come up with the survey questions?

There's a lot of science behind this! We spend time with university psychologists, we review scholarly research, and we validate survey scales in the marketplace in order to have the most effective standardized survey questions. Every question is intentionally worded. We run reliability and validity tests regularly. In total, there are about 55 Likert scale statements taking an average of 6 minutes to complete in total. From these questions, we show results for the important components of engagement related to the work itself, the relationships around the work, and the mission/impact of the org. Our methodology strongly recommends sending this survey 3-4x/year— so the questions might start to feel familiar— as this allows us to trend results for your leaders so they can tell what's working and what's not.

I'd like to share comments on the survey. How do I do this?

After you complete the Likert scale portion of the survey, you will have an opportunity to share comments through our Dynamic Feedback feature. We will ask you to provide feedback on an area that you scored higher or lower than other areas on the survey. This feedback will be shared anonymously with management at your organization.

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