Organization Engagement Score

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This article is no longer accurate and will be archived in Q3 2023. Please refer to our "Analyze Engagement results: Engagement Score and Drivers" article for updated information.

The Engagement Score is a metric that assesses how engaged your employees are, and is calculated based on how employees answered a specific set of questions on the engagement survey. We calculate each employee's Engagement Score from their survey responses, and the combined Engagement Scores from employees are reflected in the organization's Engagement Score.

In this article, you will learn...

How is the Engagement Score calculated?

Answers to the following questions in the Engagement Survey are used to calculate your organization's Engagement Score:

  • The work that I do gives me a sense of pride.
  • I feel a sense of happiness when I am working very hard.
  • I find it very easy to stay focused on what is most important for me to accomplish at work.
  • I find my work to be full of meaning and purpose.
  • When I wake up, I feel like going to work.
  • I am able to get into a state of complete focus while working.
  • I love the feeling of working.

Engagement levels

The Engagement Score for each organization is compared to all Engagement Scores in our database to determine the percentile for that score. The percentile indicates the engagement level of the organization.

Possible engagement levels are:

  • Highly Disengaged (0-5th percentile)
  • Disengaged (5th-25th percentile)
  • Moderately Engaged (25th-75th percentile)
  • Highly Engaged (75th-95th percentile)
  • Extremely Engaged (95th-100th percentile)

Highly Disengaged


Organizations that score in the bottom 5% of our Engagement Score database have employees that are highly disengaged with their work. This can have a significant impact on an organization by impacting turnover, profits, and productivity.



Organizations that score in the bottom 25% of our Engagement Score database have employees that are disengaged with their work. When employees are disengaged, they are not bringing their full selves to work which affects how they focus in their role, interact with teammates, and contribute within the organization.

Moderately Engaged


Organizations that score in the middle 50% of our Engagement Score database have employees that are moderately engaged in their work. We describe employees that are moderately engaged as satisfied, but there is still room for them to become engaged and lean into their work.

Highly Engaged


Organizations that score in the top 25% of our Engagement Score database have employees that are highly engaged with their work. Highly engaged employees take initiative in their role, have less drama with coworkers, and work to benefit the organization and its purpose.

Extremely Engaged


Organizations that score in the top 5% of our Engagement Score database have employees that are extremely engaged with their work. Extremely engaged employees have a positive impact on an organization by decreasing turnover, increasing profits, and improving productivity.

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