We believe learning is most effective when it is done in a group. Creating online learning journeys allows admins to specify a group of individuals that will be learning together and set custom due dates for when courses in the journey should be completed. This enables admins to align course content with strategic initiatives in their organization (i.e. quarterly planning, an upcoming review cycle, etc.) as well as your organization's outcomes. Once participants are assigned to a learning journey, they can access it in 15Five.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

โ›”๏ธ Required access to Transform.
๐Ÿ‘ฅ This article is relevant to Account admins and HR admins.
๐Ÿ“ฆ This feature is available in the Transform and Transform Accelerator pricing packages.

Glossary of terms ๐Ÿ“š

  • A Learning Journey is exactly what it sounds likeโ€” a journey of learning that a person/people go through. Journeys are made up of tracks. Learn about how to create a learning journey.
  • A Track is a collection of topics whose purpose is to drive a specific goal. We offer recommended tracks and the ability for admins to create custom tracks, which is addressed in this article. Multiple tracks can be added to a learning journey.
  • A Topic is a course that covers a specific topic relevant to manager effectiveness. Each course is created by either 15Five's in-house experts or industry thought leaders, the latter of which is called "luminary content". Topics are combined to create a track.

Now that you're familiar with the Transform terminology, let's dive into creating learning journeys.

Create and assign a learning journey

Before you begin

Before you create and assign a learning journey, please make sure you've completed the following tasks:

  • Assign Transform access to people you wish to take part in the learning journey
  • Create custom tracks. Account admins can create custom tracks to add to learning journeys, which can include any combination of topics created by 15Five's in-house experts and luminary content.
  1. Click on Training & Coaching in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation and select the Manage Journeys option.
  2. You're now in the Journeys tab. From here, click + New Journey.
  3. Specify if the learning journey is multi-year (recommended) or one year. Multi-year learning journeys will automatically generate the next set of sessions at renewal and participants will remain in the journey, allowing them to continue learning together.
  4. Select a journey name. As you select a name, consider who you want to participate in the journey and what the intent of the journey is. For exampleโ€” if you want to create a journey specifically intended for new managers in your organization, you could name the journey "New Managers."
  5. Select which track(s) you want participants to take part in. 15Five's recommended track and any custom tracks that your organization has created will appear in this dropdown. When you're done, click Continue.
  6. Set a topic timeline. In this section, you can reorder tracks and select due dates for courses in each track. When you're done, click Continue.



    Customize due dates to align with different milestones within your organization. For example, if your company is going through an OKR planning cycle, you may want participants to go through goal-setting courses before creating objectives.

  7. Select journey participants. In this dropdown, you will only see the names of people with access to Transform. An individual can only be assigned to one (1) learning journey at any given time. When you're done assigning participants, click Continue.
  8. Confirm the Journey. Finally, you'll be taken to a summary that includes all Journey details. If it's correct, click Create Journey. If not, make any necessary changes before proceeding.
    Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 1.25.45 PM.png
    At this point, participants will see all courses they haven't completed along with due dates on their homepage and their Journey page.
    Help Center article ๐Ÿ’ก: Access on-demand Transform training courses

Edit an existing learning journey

This section walks through how to edit an existing learning journey. This ability is helpful if you want to change participants or due dates, or if you want to add tracks based on needs correlated with data collected from engagement surveys or reviews.

  1. Click on Training & Coaching in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation and select the Manage Journeys option.
  2. Click Edit journey next to the journey you want to make changes to.
  3. You can edit the following aspects of a learning journey:
    • Multi-year vs One year: Multi-year learning journeys will automatically generate the next set of sessions at renewal and participants will remain in the journey, allowing them to continue learning together.
    • Journey name
    • Included track(s)
    • Timeline: The order of tracks and due dates for included courses.
    • Participants
  4. When you're done, click Save Journey.

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