In this article, we walk through the process of managing Global Viewers for your organization. Global Viewer is a permission in 15Five that can be assigned to a person's account to give them special permissions. While this role is typically reserved for HR teams, co-leaders, and administrators, a person doesn't have to be an account admin to be a Global Viewer. There can be multiple Global Viewers in a company.

In this article, you will learn...

What permissions do Global Viewers have?

  • Check-ins: Global Viewers can view the Check-ins of everyone in their organization, with the exception of any answers marked as “private.”
  • Objectives: Global Viewers can see all objectives that are set to "15Five permissions."

Extended visibility into 1-on-1 agendas

There is also an option to grant Global Viewers in your organization extended visibility into 1-on-1 agendas if certain criteria are met (e.g. your organization has a legal necessity or specific HR-related reasons for needing this access). Global viewers with 1-on-1 permissions can view agendas for the following types of 1-on-1s:

  • 1-on-1s between a user and their manager
  • 1-on-1s between a user and any past manager
  • 1-on-1s between a user and their team members
  • 1-on-1s between a user and any past team member

Global Viewers of 1-on-1s do not have visibility into 1-on-1s between peers.

Make someone a Global Viewer

To make someone a Global Viewer for Check-ins, an account admin must reach out to 15Five’s Support Team and request this permission to be added to that person’s account.

If you need Global Viewers in your organization to have visibility into 1-on-1s, request this access in your message to 15Five's Support Team and include your reason for needing this added visibility (e.g. your organization has a legal necessity or specific HR-related reasons for needing access to 1-on-1s).

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