Once a review cycle participant's self and manager reviews have been submitted and the 'Start sharing reviews' milestone has passed, the Summary tab will become available. The review summary is a condensed version of all reviews written about the participant and serves as a discussion agenda for managers as they hold final review meetings with their direct reports.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Best-Self Review® results.
👥 This article is relevant to Managers, Review admins, and Cycle collaborators.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform and Total Platform pricing packages.

Who can fill out review summaries? 👥

The following roles can fill out a participant's review summary:

  • The participant's manager in the review cycle
  • Any Review admin
  • Any Cycle collaborator in the specific review cycle

Read more about roles in a review cycle.

Complete a review summary 🧑‍💻

  1. Click on Best-Self Review® in the left navigation of 15Five.
  2. From the 'Review cycles' tab, click on the name of the review cycle.
  3. You're now on the review cycle's overview page. From here, use the filters section to search for the name of the participant you want to complete a review summary for or apply filters to find them.
  4. Scroll down to 'Cycle Participants' section of the page and click on the name of the participant. Alternatively, you can click the three dots to right of the name and select "View" from the dropdown menu.
  5. You will be directed to the review cycle participant's review page, which contains all reviews written about them. Open the "Summary" tab.



    A lock icon will show next to the Summary tab until self and manager reviews are completed and the 'Start sharing by' milestone is reached. Wait until all reviews, including peer or upward, are submitted before completing the review summary. If needed, you can nudge people who haven't yet submitted their reviews.

  6. Complete the review summary by summarizing all answers the participant received for each question in the provided text fields.



    It's especially important to include peer and upward feedback in summaries if review cycle settings prevent participants from seeing it verbatim.

  7. Finish filling out the summary, using the following custom options as needed:

    Mark a summary as private (i.e. not visible to the participant)

    To make a summary visible only to review admins, cycle collaborators, and the participant's manager—so the participant cannot see it—click the 'lock' icon in the text field.


    Remove or send back answers

    If desired, remove any answers you would prefer not to appear on the shared results with the review cycle participant, or send the answer back to the review author for editing. You can achieve this by clicking the three dots to the right of the answer and selecting your desired action from the dropdown menu.


    Check out our "Remove or edit feedback on a review summary" Help Center article for more information.

  8. Complete the optional "Notes for [Participant] section at the very bottom of the page. This section allows you to share any overlying themes or final thoughts with the review cycle participant that you may not have covered in your summaries.

What happens next? 🐾

Once summaries are complete, it's time for managers to schedule final meetings with their direct reports to discuss review results. It may also be time to share results with the review cycle participant, depending on preferences. Please refer to our "Share review results with a participant" article for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ❓

Can I complete review summaries for multiple participants in bulk?

No. Creating a review summary is a pivotal part of the review process, as it serves as the resource that will be used as managers hold final meetings to discuss review results with their direct reports. Because of this, it is not possible to perform this action in bulk for multiple users.

Why is there a lock next to the "Summary" tab?

A lock icon will show next to the Summary tab until self and manager reviews are completed and the 'Start sharing by' milestone is reached. Before these events occur, you will not be able to access the Summary tab.

How do I know if peer/upward feedback is hidden from (i.e. not shared verbatim with) participants?

To see if peer/upward feedback is hidden from participants, open the "Peer" or "Upward" tab (located to the left of the "Summary" tab). Next, scroll to the Review details box on the left-hand side of the page and refer to the "Transparency" section. Here, you can see whether the review writers' identities are shared or hidden from the participant, as well as if review answers are hidden from participants.

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