Review milestones in performance review cycles are dates by which participants are asked to complete specific review tasks, like submitting self reviews, nominating peers, and finalizing review results. 15Five makes it easy to keep your review cycle on track by allowing you to "nudge"— send notification emails to— people who haven't completed a milestone, directly from the cycle's Overview tab.

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Best-Self Review®.
👥 This article is relevant to Managers, Review admins, and Cycle collaborators.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform and Total Platform pricing packages.



Review admins and cycle collaborators can send nudges to everyone in the company. Managers can send nudges to their direct reports who are review cycle participants.

Nudge people to complete a review milestone

Follow the steps below to send nudges to people who haven't completed a review milestone, either in bulk or one-off.



If you want to see which users haven't yet completed review milestones, check out this article.

Bulk One-off

Follow the steps below to nudge all individuals who haven't completed a review milestone in bulk.

  1. Click Best-Self Review® in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Click on the name of the cycle you want to send nudges for. If it's an in-progress cycle, it should appear under "Active review cycles."
  3. After clicking on the cycle name, you will automatically be taken to the 'Overview' tab for that review cycle.
  4. Scroll down to the "Progress tracker" section of the page and click Review milestones to expand. Here, you can see the progress of each milestone in the review cycle.



    By default, the Progress Tracker reflects the progress of everyone whose reviews you have permission to view. If you'd like to view progress for specific subsets of the organization, use the Participant filter, located under the "Your review to-dos" section of the Review's Overview page. Check out this article for more information about interacting with the Overview tab.

  5. Click ... to the right of the milestone you want to nudge users to complete and select "Nudge" from the dropdown menu.
  6. In the popup window that appears, type an optional personal message to be included in the nudge email. When you're done, click Send nudge email.
  7. Nudges will immediately go out to all individuals who haven't completed the review milestone.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I nudge people after a milestone passes/Can people submit reviews after they're due?

Yes. Review milestones are "soft," meaning reviews can still be submitted and shared after the milestone passes. Individuals who miss a deadline can still submit reviews up until the review cycle is locked.

What does the nudge email look like?

The nudge emails that people receive will look something like this (with some adjusted language depending on the milestone type and whether you included a custom message):

Subject: Nudge: remember to complete your manager review!


Will people be able to see that I'm the person who nudged them?

Yes. Your name will be included in the nudge email that people receive, like so:


How can I see a list of all people who haven't completed a milestone?

To see a list of all people who haven't completed a milestone, download the review cycle's "Participants progress tracker" report and refer to the "Unsubmitted [type] reviews" columns. All names listed in one of the unsubmitted review columns haven't yet submitted the respective review.


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