Filtering options on the HR Outcomes Dashboard

15Five's HR Outcomes Dashboard is your command center for strategic HR, allowing you to measure impact, get insights, and assign actions— all in one place. In this article, we'll walk through the filtering options you can use to refine the data you see on the HR Outcomes Dashboard


Related article 💡: Use the HR Outcomes Dashboard

⛔️ Required access to HR Outcomes Dashboard.
👥 This article is relevant to roles and individuals assigned access to the Outcomes Dashboard and MEI.
📦 This feature is available in the Total Platform pricing package.

Filtering options on the HR Outcomes Dashboard


Use the "Groups" filter to filter the HR Outcomes Dashboard by specific manager hierarchies or Group Types.

Demographic data

The "Demographic data" filter allows you to filter the HR Outcomes Dashboard by cohorts of individuals who share specific characteristics. Learn how to enable and populate demographic attributes.

  • Tenure
  • Age
  • Salary
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Ethnicity

Outcomes data

The "Outcomes data" filter allows you to filter the HR Outcomes Dashboard based on performance data (sourced from individual performance ratings in Best-Self Review®) or engagement level (sourced from individual engagement scores in Engagement).

  • Performance - Top performers
  • Performance - Mid performers
  • Performance - Bottom performers
  • Performance - Unmeasured
  • Engagement - Extremely engaged
  • Engagement - Highly engaged
  • Engagement - Moderately engaged
  • Engagement - Disengaged engaged
  • Engagement - Highly disengaged
  • Engagement - Unmeasured

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