When it comes to enhancing the visibility of Check-ins for members of a group, two options are available: group drill-down and group viewing. Group drill-down creates a forced drill-down relationship between members, allowing for increased transparency and information sharing across hierarchies. On the other hand, group viewing promotes a collaborative environment where all group members can view and interact with each other's Check-ins, fostering idea generation and issue identification. Whether you need to bridge the gap between leaders or establish a transparent communication model within a department, these options can significantly enhance your group's dynamics and engagement.

In this article, we will delve into the correct use cases for both of these options, as well as provide step-by-step instructions on how to enable them.

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to the 'Manage groups' page.
👥 This article is relevant to account admins and group admins.
📦 This feature is available in all pricing packages.

Group drill-down

When should I turn on group drill-down?

Check-in visibility defaults to a natural drill-down order that follows your company’s hierarchy. In contrast, the drill-down setting in groups creates a forced drill-down relationship between members who would not naturally have this relationship. This setting opens up Check-in transparency so that more information can be shared.

This setting is useful for leadership peers, to allow them transparency down the org for high-level discussions. Keep in mind, group drill-down takes the group member who is highest in the hierarchy and opens up their entire reporting line to all other groups members.



You would not want to put a CEO, a VP, and a 5th level reporter in a group with group drill-down enabled. That means the 5th level reporter would be able to see everyone in the CEO and VPs reporting lines, all the way up to the CEO and VP themselves.

Correct uses of group drill-down

Example 1: CMO and CRO want visibility into Check-ins for each others' teams. In this case, we would put only the CMO and CRO in a group together and turn ON the drill down setting. 

Example 2: If Elizabeth is the project lead for a team of designers, and she works alongside a creative director on that project --- she and the director need to be engaging with downstream reports. In this case, we put only Elizabeth and the creative director in a group together and turn ON the drill down setting.

Example 3: Brad is the VP of sales. He brings in a consultant to help with sales processes. In this case, we put only Brad and the consultant in a group together and turn ON the drill down setting. 

Overall, drill-down is really valuable for ‘bridging the gap’ in teams where multiple leaders need to be involved in conversations. If you would like two people to have access into each other's Check-ins, but want no broad visibility permissions, have the two people follow each other's Check-ins.



The drill-down setting becomes problematic when it’s used in large orgs, mid-level, without discretion. If you are unsure as to whether or not to turn drill-down on for your group, please reach out to us at support@15five.com.

Enable Group drill-down

  1. Click on the 'Settings' gear in the top right-hand corner of your 15Five account.
  2. Select 'People'(in-app link) from the dropdown menu.
  3. You'll land on the 'Manage people' page. From here, click to open the 'Manage groups' (in-app link) in the top navigation.
  4. Click into the group type that houses the group you need to edit. If you are not sure what group type the group is in, you can search for group name or keyword using the search bar at the top of the screen.
  5. Click on the name of the group you want to manage to open group preferences.
  6. You'll land on the group overview page. From here, click the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen and select 'Edit group' from the dropdown menu.
  7. Scroll down to the 'Settings' section and slide the status of 'Group drill-down' to 'On'.
  8. Save your changes by clicking the button at the bottom of the page.

Group viewing

When should I turn on group viewing?

Group viewing is a feature that enables all members of a group to view and interact with each others' Check-ins. Turning on group viewing is a good option for teams that want more visibility and collaboration— encouraging more of a forum-style conversation for generating ideas and surfacing issues. This is also a great option for a team or department that wants to create a transparent communication model.

Enable Group viewing

  1. Click on the 'Settings' gear in the top right-hand corner of your 15Five account.
  2. Select 'People'(in-app link) from the dropdown menu.
  3. You'll land on the 'Manage people' page. From here, click to open the 'Manage groups' (in-app link) in the top navigation.
  4. Click into the group type that houses the group you need to edit. If you are not sure what group type the group is in, you can search for group name or keyword using the search bar at the top of the screen.
  5. Click on the name of the group you want to manage to open group preferences.
  6. You'll land on the group overview page. From here, click the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen and select 'Edit group' from the dropdown menu.
  7. Scroll down to the 'Settings' section and slide the status of 'Group View' to 'On'.
  8. Save your changes by clicking the button at the bottom of the page.


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