👥 Only account administrators and reviewers can see Check-in reports.

Check-ins feature reporting in 15Five gives you insight into how your people are engaging with their Check-ins. The Submitted Check-ins report report allows you to measure what number/percentage of Check-ins in your company have been submitted. You can filter this report by individuals, groups, Check-in frequency, and/or time frame.

In this article, you will learn...


What is the Submitted Check-ins report?

The Submitted Check-ins report allows you to measure what number/percentage of Check-ins in your company have been submitted. You can filter the report by people (groups or individuals), Check-in frequency, and/or time frame.

Fields included in this report are:

  • Name: The name of the reporter who is responsible for submitting Check-ins.
  • Reviewer: The name of the direct manager tasked with reviewing the reporter's Check-ins.
  • Submitted Check-ins: (# of Check-ins submitted) out of (# of Check-ins created).
  • Avg. submission rate: The average % of Check-ins that were submitted.
  • Reviewed Check-ins: (# of submitted Check-ins that were marked as reviewed) out of (# of Check-ins that were submitted)
  • Avg. reviewed rate: The average % of Check-ins that were reviewed.
  • Submitted on time: The % of Check-ins submitted on or before their due date.
  • Current streak: The # of Check-ins submitted in a row.
  • Last submitted: The date an individual last submitted a Check-in (not available in group view).
  • Due day: The day of the week that an individual’s Check-in is due (not available in group view).
  • Check-in frequency: The frequency that Check-ins are due (weekly, every other week or monthly).
  • Avg pulse: The average pulse score of the individual or members of the group.
  • Last seen: The amount of time since an individual was active in 15Five (not available in group view).

Access the 'Submitted Check-ins' report



Account admins can see submission data for everyone in the organization. Managers can see submission data for only people in their hierarchy (their direct reports, their direct reports' direct reports, etc.).

  1. Click on Reporting in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation and select 'Check-ins' from the dropdown.
  2. Click 'Submitted Check-ins' in the top navigation.
  3. You are now in the 'Submitted Check-ins' report.

Interact with the Submitted Check-ins report

Apply filters

  • Select your desired filters at the top of the page. Available filters are: People (by individuals or groups), Check-in frequency, and Time frame.
  • If you check the box next to "Include active Check-in data," current, submitted Check-ins whose due dates occur after the selected timeframe will be included in the report. Drafted/unsubmitted Check-in information will not be included, even if this box is checked.
  • You can also use the 'View by' filter in the upper, right-hand corner of the report to further dig into individuals or group types.
    For example: you could filter by the "First-time managers" group using the 'People' filter, then change the 'View by' filter to "Departments." This would give you insight into the Check-in submission rates of first-time managers across different departments in your organization.

Dig into metrics with drawers

Click on any row in the Submitted Check-ins report to open a drawer on the right-hand side of your screen.

This drawer contains detailed submission information, including the reporter and reviewer's names, the dates of all Check-ins that fall into the timeframe selected, and whether or not those Check-ins were submitted or reviewed. Hover over an icon (green check mark, red "x", or gray dash) to see more information, including submission/reviewed dates, if the Check-in was skipped for vacation, and even if an individual started drafting their Check-in but hasn't yet submitted it.

You can also send individuals email notifications from within the drawer. Please continue reading for more information about doing so.

Contact individuals from within the report

The Submitted Check-ins report gives you a better understanding of individual and team Check-in submission trends. With these insights in mind, you can reach out to directly to reporters who have low or inconsistent submission rates. Or, you can reach out to the reviewers of these individuals to encourage them to hold conversations with teammates who may be struggling with submitting their Check-ins. 

Using the contact option will send an email notification to selected recipients. Use these notifications to assist individuals in overcoming their submission roadblocks.

There are two ways to contact individuals from the Submitted Check-ins report:

  1. From within the report table. If you would like to contact an individual or multiple people from the report table, click the box to the left of the people who should be contacted. As soon as one person is selected, a Contact button in the upper, right-hand of the report table. Simply click the Contact button, type out your message, and click Send email. Emails will be sent out immediately to recipients.
  2. From within a drawer. Click on any row in the Submitted Check-ins report to open a drawer on the right-hand side of your screen. At the bottom of the drawer, you will see two options: Contact reporter and Contact reviewer. Select your desired option, type out your message, and click Send email. Emails will be sent out immediately to recipients.

Download the report

To download the report you're viewing, click Download in the upper, right-hand of the page and select either the CSV or XLSX download option.

Usage tips to help drive engagement

  • Get usage for the year or last 3 months to see who is submitting Check-ins and who is reviewing those Check-ins.
  • See how managers' participation impacts and influences team Check-in submissions.
  • Keep on top of engagement to see your top submitters and to catch anyone that may be dropping off on their submissions.
  • Export data and see streaks so you can leverage this information to get more engagement.
  • Reach out to the groups or individuals with the highest number of streaks to understand the value they get out of Check-ins then share that with the teams who are not using Check-ins.
  • Sort by "last submitted on" and then contact people who haven't submitted in over a month. See team members who have never submitted to help get them to use the tool.


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