Want to give an individual, a group, or the whole company a shoutout? Loop one of your co-workers into a conversation on your Check-in? Or maybe send a High Five to one of your teammates that is or isn't in 15Five? Look no further than our @mentions feature!

You can use @mentions throughout 15Five, including in Objectives comments, and High Fives. Start by typing @ in a comment field, and a text box should expand below to show you every person and group you can mention.



If this feature isn't working for you, ask one of your account administrators to enable it. If you're an account administrator and would like to enable @mentions for your company, you can do so by following these steps

@mention a teammate(s)

To mention a teammate who is also using 15Five, type @ followed by the individual's name in 15Five.


@mention a group(s)
Assuming that group mentions are enabled for your company, you can mention all the members of a 15Five group by typing @ followed by the group name. High Fives given to groups cannot be private. If you are unable to mention a group, check with your account administrators to ensure the setting for group mentions is enabled. Group-mention.png
@mention your entire company
To mention everyone in your entire company, use @all. High Fives given to all cannot be private. If you are unable to mention @all, check with your account administrators to ensure the setting for mentioning all is enabled.
@mention an external email address
You can give a High Five to a person who doesn't have a 15Five account by @mentioning them by email. Simply type @ followed by the person's email address. When you submit the High Five, that person will be notified by email. Screen_Shot_2021-04-12_at_9.25.25_AM.png


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