In this article, you will learn how to create a self-development objective. Self-development objectives are objectives set by individuals that help them reach their highest potential both in and out of the workplace. Whereas traditional OKRs are focused on aligning the whole company to hit business objectives, self-development objectives are created by an individual and aren't associated with business outcomes or aligned with other objectives.

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Objectives.
👥 This article is relevant to all roles.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform, Legacy Focus, and Total Platform pricing packages.

Create a self-development objective

  1. Click on Objectives in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. You will land on the 'All objectives' page. From here, click Create a new objective.
  3. Give your objective a name. The name should concisely and accurately describe the goal of the objective.Screen_Shot_2021-04-19_at_11.58.40_AM.png
  4. Select yourself as the objective owner.
  5. Because this is a self-development objective, select "A person" under "Who is this objective for?".
  6. Under "What type of objective is this?", select "Self-development."Screen_Shot_2021-04-19_at_2.24.55_PM.png
  7. If Objectives tags are enabled in your company's settings for Objectives, you will see the option to add a tag(s) to your objective. If you are unsure what tag(s) to use for your objective, it's best to leave this field blank and add the tag(s) by editing the objective at a later date.
  8. Create key results to measure your objective.
    • Choose a name for the key result. If you do not name the key result, the objective will not save.
    • Select how to want to measure the key result. Measurement options are: percentage, currency, number, or completed/not completed. For currency values other than $, click ... > Other currency, and use the drop-down to choose the currency that applies.
    • If your company has the Jira integration enabled, you can link your key result(s) to Jira issues using the 'Link to' option at the bottom right of your key result field.
  9. Add in the objective's start and end dates.


  10. If the "Who has the permission to update and edit my objectives?" option is enabled in your objectives permissions settings, you will see a question titled "Who can update and edit this objective?" This section allows you to add groups or people as editors for the objective. Adding people or groups here will allow those selected to edit, manage, update, and delete the objective.
  11. Select the appropriate privacy setting for your objective: Public, 15Five permissions (meaning that anyone who can see your Check-ins can see the objective), or Specific people (you and your direct manager always, and anyone else you choose to include). For more information on these settings, refer to our "Visibility settings for objectives" Help Center article.




    If you'd like for the objective to be private to only you and your direct manager, select "Specific people." Your name and your direct manager's name will be auto-populated; simply don't add anyone else's name in the field. 

  12. Click the Create objective button, and you're done! The objective can now be seen on the Objectives dashboard. If your organization uses 15Five's Check-ins feature, the objective will also appear in your Check-ins.

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