Default visibility for Check-ins

15Five automatically creates a hierarchy based on manager/direct report relationships and allows visibility into various features based on this hierarchy. Since we are frequently asked who can see what in regard to Check-ins, the default visibility for a few roles is listed below. If you want to see default visibility and visibility options for all of 15Five's features, check out this article



The default visibility setting based on hierarchy cannot be disabled; ie we do not have the option to disable viewing reports through drill-down. Anyone above you in the hierarchy will be able to see your Check-ins and this cannot be changed.

Account administrators

Account administrators do not have visibility into everyone's Check-ins by default or by simply being an account administrator. Account administrator visibility follows the hierarchy privileges noted above; aka if an account administrator does not act as a direct manager, they will not be able to see anyone's Check-ins without requesting to follow. If the account administrator is a direct manager, their visibility will follow the above hierarchy logic. For more information on roles and responsibilities, click here

15Five has a 'follow' feature that allows any person to request to follow/view/comment on any other teammate's Check-ins. This is a great option for account administrators who want to follow others' Check-ins in a one-off method. Learn more about how to follow someone's Check-ins.

Help Center article 💡: Who can see my Check-ins, and why?

Help Center article 💡: Team visibility options 

Top-tier managers

By default, managers at the top of the hierarchy will be able to view their direct reports' Check-ins, anyone who reports to their direct reports, anyone who reports to those direct reports, and so on. This can include one or multiple levels of manager/direct report relationships, depending on how far the reporting line goes. Top-tier managers are typically C Levels, VPs, or HR Managers. This is the default visibility for Check-ins, but may not be the case for all features. For example, Objectives may not be visible to the hierarchy and Best-Self Review® may not share reviews with the hierarchy, depending on settings. 

Direct Managers

Some managers are in the middle of a reporting chain, meaning they have a direct manager above them and direct reports below them. By default, these direct managers will be able to see their direct reports' Check-ins and anyone who reports to their direct reports, as far down as that line goes.



When a direct manager is changed, the new manager will be able to see all past Check-ins for their new direct reports. If you would like past Check-ins to be visible to only the previous direct manager, contact

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