👥 When it comes to viewing and analyzing review results, your level of results visibility depends on your role in the review cycle. Direct managers can see results for their direct reports. Skip-level managers can see results for their hierarchy if hierarchy visibility is enabled in the review cycle. Review admins and cycle collaborators can see results for all review cycle participants.

The 'Questions & Answers' tab in Best-Self Review® results allows you to analyze how review cycle questions were answered for participants. Within this tab, you can dig into what questions were asked in the review cycle, read all answers given for a specific question, and/or or dive into how one person answered a specific question. As soon as reviews are submitted and the answers become visible, you can begin analyzing review results using the 'Questions & Answers' tab.

In this article, you will learn...




If you would like a full report of all questions, answers, managers, peers, submission time stamps, etc, download the full CSV progress report.

Access Questions & Answers reporting

People with administrative roles in a review cycle (review admins or cycle collaborators) have access to a "Company results" page in review cycle results that allows them to view and report on review results for all participants. Managers and skip-level managers have access to a "Team's results" page that allows them to view and report on review results for only their team. The 'Questions & Answers' tab exists on these pages.

  1. Click on Best-Self Review® in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation bar.BSR.png
  2. Click on the name of the review cycle you want to view results in to open the cycle's Overview page.
  3. If you don't have an administrative role in the review cycle, click into the 'Team's results' tab. It is at the top of your page, to the right of Overview, Peer nominations, etc.
    If you have an administrative role in the review cycle, click into the 'Company's results' tab.
  4. Click into the 'Questions & Answers' tab.

Available downloads

  1. All Questions & Answers: Includes all questions and competencies asked in the review cycle and how they were answered. A lot of data is included in this report, so it may take a few minutes to download depending on how many people you choose to include.
    • To download this report, click the Download button toward the top, right-hand corner of the page (to the right of your avatar) and select your desired download option from the dropdown menu.
    • Columns included in this download: Employee email, First name, Last name, Is group admin for, Manager first name, Manager last name, Respondent first name, Respondent last name, Review type, Question, Question visibility, Question group names, Answer, Optional text answer, Date submitted, Review cycle name, Section type, Competency, Competency score, Company value, Rating
    • There are two download options: 
      • The Download team CSV/XLSX report includes all review results for participants that match selected filters in one big download. All questions & answers, review types, competencies, and a 1-5 competency score are included in the download.
      • The Download participants CSV/XLSX report includes all review results for participants that match selected filters in a compressed file, where each participant has their own separate file.
  2. Question-specific download: Includes all answers given to a specific question about review cycle participants.
    • To download this report, scroll to the "Team/Company Results: Questions" section of the page and find the question you want to download results for. From here, click ... to the right of the question and select your desired download option from the dropdown menu.
    • Columns included in this download: First name, Last name, Is group admin for, Manager first name, Manager last name, Respondent first name, Respondent last name, Review type, Question, Question visibility, Question group names, Answer, Optional text answer, Date submitted, Review cycle name, Section type, Competency, Competency score, Company value, Rating

Use the Questions & Answers reporting page

There are three sections in the 'Questions & Answers' tab: your header, the 'Review section' filter, and the 'Team/Company Results: Questions' table.


The header section contains your avatar and personal information, along with a download button and links to all results tabs: Summary, Questions & Answers, Competency assessment, and Objectives.

Click Download to download the All Questions & Answers report. Or, click into any other tab to view relevant review results.


'Review section' filter

The 'Review section' filter allows you to filter questions by question template section (Growth & development, Company values, Objectives, and/or Private manager assessment). If the review admin that created the question template for the review cycle renamed any of these sections during the creation process, the custom section name will appear in the dropdown instead.

Selecting a question template section will cause the 'Team/Company Results: Questions' table below to only show questions that appeared in that section.


'Team/Company Results: Questions' table

In the results table, you can easily scroll through all questions that were asked in a review cycle, view answers for any question, and download a CSV or XLSX of answers.

To search for a specific question, use the search bar in the top, right-hand corner of the table and results will appear in real-time. This search is a "contains" search, meaning it will return all questions that contain your search word(s). 


You have a few options once you find the question you're looking for:

  • Click # answers to the bottom left of a question to open the 'Question details' page.
    Once you're on the 'Question details' page, you can download a CSV or XLSX file of the answers using the Download button in the top, right-hand corner of the page.
  • Click ... to the right of a question to open up a dropdown menu. Select 'View all answers' to open the 'Question details' page, or select 'Download all answers as CSV/XLSX' to download a CSV or XLSX file of the answers.

Once you're on the Questions details page, there are a couple of other actions you can take.

  • Search for a participant's name to see their response(s) to that question.
  • Refer to the 'Review stats' section, located in the upper, left-hand corner of the page, to see how many review writers in each review type (self, manager, peer, upward) provided answers to the question, as well as how many total answers were given to the question.
  • Refer to the 'Review details' section to see the start and end date of the review cycle you're viewing results in, as well as the date that the most recent response was given to the question at hand.

Related articles 📖

Once you're done analyzing results in the Questions and Answers tab, you can continue to other sections to analyze results in different ways.

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