At any time during a review cycle or after a cycle has ended, a review admin can run a progress report. The report includes all participants, a participant’s peers, a participant’s direct reports, submission dates, a participant’s answers, and multiple other fields. 



Due to the large amount of information that this report generates, we suggest filtering and sorting the data to meet your needs. Feel free to eliminate irrelevant information, as you can run another progress report at any time.

If you are looking for a simpler report to check if reviews have been submitted or not, check out our "See who hasn't submitted reviews and send nudges" Help Center article.

Download a progress report

1. Click on Best-Self Review® in the main, left-hand navigation bar of 15Five.

2. Click on the name of the review cycle whose progress you would like to see.


3. From the 'Overview' tab, click on the 'Download' dropdown menu. Select 'Full progress report' from the dropdown menu.


4. Choose the format and the columns you would like included.


5. Click Download.

Want to remind employees to fill out their reviews? Send them nudges within 15Five!

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