Interested in seeing your own objectives and those of your direct reports? How about knowing what objectives are at risk or are showing as behind this quarter? Use the 'All objectives' page to get an idea of how objectives are going across the board. These filters give you the ability to nail down objectives based on your chosen criteria. Keep reading for more information about searching for objectives using the 'All objectives' page + filters.

Success Center article 🗒: Understanding Objectives: All objectives

Blog post 🗒: Ask Your Employees These Feedback Questions To Keep Their Key Objectives On Track



Only objectives that you have permission to view will appear in the search results, including private objectives that you have permission to view.

Objective owners filter

  • By your org- options include My objectives, My direct reports' objectives, and/or My hierarchy's objectives; ie "I want to see my direct reports' objectives, their direct reports' objectives, all the way down." If you do not have direct reports, some of these options will not appear for you. 
  • By groups- options include all objectives owned by people in the selected group; ie "I want to see all objectives owned by someone in 'Sales'."
  • By owners- options include all people with public objectives or people whose private objectives you can view; ie "I want to see all objectives owned by Dwight Schrute."
  • By direct reports- options include all of your direct reports' teams; ie if I am above Michael Scott and "I want to see all objectives owned by Michael Scott's direct reports." If you do not have direct reports, this option will not appear for you. 
  • By hierarchy- options include all of your direct reports' hierarchies; ie if I am above Michael Scott and "I want to see all objectives owned by Michael Scott's hierarchy." If you do not have direct reports, this option will not appear for you. 


The Objective owners filter is where you are going to go when you want to pull objectives for a specific person, team, or group. This filter allows you to select more than one option, in case you want to view multiple people's or multiple group's objectives. Alternatively, if you would like to see everyone's objectives, you can leave this filter blank. 



Best practice for the Objective owners filter is to start typing the name of the person whose objectives or team objectives you want to see, and all mentions of their name will pop up. Similarly, start typing the name of a group and all mentions of that group will appear.

Common use cases of this filter

1️⃣  "I want to see all objectives that I own AND objectives owned by my direct reports." You would select My objectives and My direct reports from the Objective owners filter.
2️⃣  "I am two levels above Dwight Schrute, and I want to see all objectives owned by his hierarchy." You would select the 'Dwight Schrute's hierarchy' from the Objective owners filter.
3️⃣  "I want to see all objectives owned by anyone below me." From the Objective owners filter, select the My hierarchy option will show the objectives for your direct reports, their direct reports, and so on all the way down the hierarchy.
4️⃣  "I want to see all objectives owned by Pam Beesly, Andy Bernard, and Angela Martin." You would select these three people under the 'By owners' section of the Objective owners filter. 



You will not be able to search for your own name in this filter since your objectives can be found by  selecting the My objectives option from the Objective owners filter.

Objective type filter

  • By type-options include Company-wide, Department (and any other Group type), Individual, and Self-development; ie "I want to see all Department and Individual objectives that match my other selected filters."
  • By department- options include all departments with objectives; ie "I want to see all department objectives that match my other selected filters." If you want to view all objectives that are owned by members of a certain department, use the Objective owners filter>>> Groups>>> Sales to see this information. This filter is looking for objectives that are of the type Department, for example.


Success Center article 🗒: Create a group type

The Objective type filter allows you to look up objectives categorized as company-wide, department (or any group type), individual, and self-development. If you want to only look at one or a few departments (group types) at a time, you can select the specific department(s) to find all objectives that are assigned to that department. 

Common use cases of this filter 

1️⃣  "What are the Customer Success department objectives?"

2️⃣  "How many of our people have self-development objectives?"

3️⃣  "I want to see all company-wide objectives and all Leadership department objectives."

Objective status filter

  • On track- this filter shows all objectives that match the other selected filters and whose last update was marked as "on track". 
  • Behind- this filter shows all objectives that match the other selected filters and whose last update was marked as "behind". 
  • At-risk- this filter shows all objectives that match the other selected filters and whose last update was marked as "at-risk". 
  • No status- this filter shows all objectives that match the other selected filters and have not yet been given a status. If the objective owner has not submitted a Check-in since the objective was created or has simply not given the objective a status, the objective would fall into this filter. 


The Objective status filter option will give you the opportunity to find objectives that are marked as on track, behind, at risk, or given no status. This is the green, yellow, red option that people select when they are filling out their Check-in or updating an objective; this search is based on the last updated status. 

Alignment filter

  • All alignment- this filter shows all objectives that match the other selected filters, regardless of alignment.
  • Aligned- this filter shows all objectives that match the other selected filters and are aligned with a parent or child objective.
  • Unaligned- this filter shows all objectives that match the other selected filters, and are not aligned with a parent or child objective.


The Alignment filter allows you to see what objectives are aligned. What does it mean to be aligned? Either the objective is a parent objective or the objective has child objectives. Our research and the science behind objectives says that employees value being able to see how their individual actions roll-up to the company-wide objectives, so this filter will enable you to see what objectives are not aligned and take any needed action.

Start and End date filters

Want to do a retrospective of the performance of last quarter’s objectives? Try filtering to that quarter’s dates.  Objectives starting on or after the start date and ending on or before the end date. You can also filter using one of the two dates to find objectives starting on or after the start date OR to find objectives ending on or before the end date.


Objective state filter

  • Current- this filter option shows all objectives whose due date has not yet passed; ie another term for current might be 'active' or 'present'. If a date range is selected, current objectives are objectives who are open (not closed) AND fall within the date range selected. 
  • Open- this filter option shows all objectives that are open, ie have not been closed; ie "I want to see all objectives that have not been closed or archived."
  • Past due- this filter option shows all objectives whose due date is in the past.
  • Closed- this filter option shows all objectives that have been closed.
  • Archived- this filter option shows all objectives that have been archived. 
  • Future- this filter option shows all objectives whose start date is in the future.


Searching by Objective state enables you to see all current, open, past due, closed, archived, and future objectives. If you would like to see all objectives regardless of state, feel free to leave this filter blank. Leaving this filter blank will likely yield a high number of objectives.

Common use cases of this filter 

1️⃣  "What objectives are coming up next quarter?" Set the dates to match the start and end of next quarter.

2️⃣  "How did our company do last quarter on objectives?" Set the dates to match last quarter's dates.

3️⃣  "What objectives are hanging out and need some action taken?" Choose the option Open to see what objectives have not been closed or archived + all current objectives given the date range selected.


Tags are first enabled and created by account administrators via the 'Objectives configurations' page. Tags can be added to an objective(s) during the creation or editing process. Once enabled, created, and added to objectives, you can search based on tag or tags.

Examples of tags: Churn, Cross-functional, Development, Level 1 Priority, Level 2 Priority, Level 3 Priority, and any other theme that your company would like to track with regards to Objectives. 



Did you just create an objective and it isn't showing up? Oftentimes this is because this filter is set to a different state that the objective is. Double-check that the newly created objective falls within the selected date range or other filters. 

Resetting filters

If you would like to reset your filters and start a new search from scratch, simply select the Reset to default button, and the default filters will be restored. The button is located in the top right of your filters section. 


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