Curious about how your objectives and those of your direct reports are progressing? Want to track which objectives are at risk or falling behind this quarter? The "All Objectives" page gives you a comprehensive view of progress across the board. With powerful filters, you can easily narrow down objectives based on specific criteria that matter to you. Keep reading to learn how to effectively search for and open objectives.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Objectives.
👥 This article is relevant to all roles.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform, Legacy Focus, and Total Platform pricing packages.



Only objectives that you have permission to view will appear on your "All objectives" page.

How to open an objective 🧑‍💻

  1. Click on Objectives from the left navigation.
  2. You will land on the "All objectives" page. From here, use the keyword search or filters to locate the objective you want to open. You can learn more about filters in the next section of this article.



    Use the quick filters at the top of the page to easily pull up objectives that you either own or own key results for.

  3. Click the name of an objective to open its details page.
  4. The objective's details page contains the following elements:
    • General objective information (owner, followers, tags, type, status, due date, date of last update)
    • Aligned key results
    • Aligned child objectives
    • Linked priorities
    • Activity feed

Objective filtering options 🔍

Filters make it easy to find the objective you're looking for. In this section, we'll walk through the various filtering options available on the "All objectives" page.

Objective owners
Easily search for objectives owned by specific individuals, teams, or groups.

The Objective owners filter is your key tool for quickly finding objectives linked to a specific person, team, or group. You can select multiple options to view objectives from various individuals or groups simultaneously. For the best results, start typing the name of the person or team you're looking for, and all relevant matches will instantly appear. The same applies when searching for a group—simply begin typing the group name, and all associated mentions will be displayed.


Using this filter, you can select from the following options:

  • By your org: This filter lets you view My objectives, My direct reports' objectives, and/or My hierarchy's objectives. For example, "I want to see my direct reports' objectives and their teams' objectives, all the way down the hierarchy." If you don't have direct reports, some of these options won’t appear for you.
  • By groups: This filter pulls all objectives owned by people in a specific group. For example, "I want to see all objectives owned by someone in 'Sales'."
  • By owners: Use this filter to view objectives owned by specific individuals. For example, "I want to see all objectives owned by a specific person." You can filter by people with public objectives or those whose private objectives you have access to.
  • By direct reports: This filter shows objectives owned by your direct reports' teams. For example, "I want to see all objectives owned by my direct reports' teams." If you don’t have direct reports, this option won’t appear.
  • By hierarchy: This filter allows you to see all objectives owned by your direct reports' hierarchies. For example, "I want to see all objectives owned by my direct reports' hierarchy." If you don’t have direct reports, this option won’t be visible to you.

Common use cases:

  • "I want to see all objectives that I own and those owned by my direct reports." You would select "My objectives" and "My direct reports" from the Objective owners filter.
  • "I am two levels above a specific team member, and I want to view all objectives within their hierarchy." You would select that person’s hierarchy from the Objective owners filter.
  • "I want to see all objectives owned by anyone reporting to me, either directly or indirectly." Selecting My hierarchy will display objectives for your direct reports, their reports, and all levels below.
  • "I want to see all objectives owned by specific individuals." You can simply select those individuals under the By owners section of the Objective owners filter.
Objective type
Locate objectives based on their categories, such as company-wide, department, individual, or self-development.

The Objective Type filter lets you search for objectives based on their category: company-wide, department (or any group type), individual, or self-development. If you want to focus on specific departments or groups, you can select one or more departments to view all objectives assigned to them.


Using this filter, you can select from the following options:

  • By type: This option lets you filter by Company-wide, Department (or any other Group type), Individual, and Self-development objectives. For example, "I want to see all Department and Individual objectives that meet my other selected criteria."
  • By department: This filter shows objectives specifically categorized by department. For example, "I want to see all department objectives that align with my other filters." If you’re looking for objectives owned by members of a specific department, use the Objective owners filter and select Groups > Sales. This filter, however, focuses on objectives labeled as the Department type.

Common use cases:

  • "What are the Customer Success department objectives?"

  • "How many of our people have self-development objectives?"
  • "I want to see all company-wide objectives and all Leadership department objectives."
Objective status
Search for objectives based on their most recent status (on track, behind, at risk, or no status).

The Objective Status filter lets you easily find objectives based on their current progress status: on track, behind, at risk, or no status. These status updates—green, yellow, or red—are set by individuals when they complete their Check-in or update an objective. This filter reflects the most recent status update.


Help Center article 💡: Update the status of an objective
Blog post 🗒: Ask Your Employees These Feedback Questions To Keep Their Key Objectives On Track

Using this filter, you can select from the following options:

  • On track: Displays all objectives that meet the other selected filters and whose latest update was marked as "on track."
  • Behind: Shows all objectives that match the other selected filters and were last marked as "behind."
  • At-risk: Highlights objectives that meet the other selected filters and were last marked as "at risk."
  • No status: Shows all objectives that match the selected filters but have not yet been assigned a status. This could happen if the objective owner hasn’t submitted a Check-in since the objective was created or simply hasn’t updated the status.


Account admins and managers can report on the status of objectives using the Status Report in Objectives Reporting.

Identify objectives that are aligned as parent or child objectives, helping you ensure individual goals are connected to broader company goals.

The Alignment filter helps you view which objectives are connected, either as parent objectives or those with child objectives. But what does alignment mean? It shows how an objective links to broader goals within the company. Research shows that employees value understanding how their individual efforts contribute to larger company objectives. This filter allows you to quickly identify unaligned objectives, so you can take action to ensure everything is connected and contributing to the bigger picture.


Help Center article 💡: Align an objective with a parent objective

Using this filter, you can select from the following options:

  • All alignment: Displays all objectives that meet the other selected filters, regardless of whether they are aligned with a parent or child objective.
  • Aligned: Shows objectives that match the other selected filters and are linked to a parent or child objective.
  • Unaligned: Highlights objectives that meet the selected filters but are not connected to a parent or child objective.


Account admins and managers can report on objectives alignment using the Alignment Report in Objectives Reporting.

Start and End date
Locate objectives that fall between specific start and end dates.

Want to do a retrospective of the performance of last quarter’s objectives? Try filtering to that quarter’s dates.  Objectives starting on or after the start date and ending on or before the end date. You can also filter using one of the two dates to find objectives starting on or after the start date OR to find objectives ending on or before the end date.


Objective state
Search for objectives based on their status, including current, open, past due, closed, archived, or future.

The Objective State filter allows you to view objectives based on their current status: current, open, past due, closed, archived, or future. If you want to see all objectives, regardless of their state, simply leave this filter blank. Keep in mind that leaving it blank will likely show a large number of objectives.


With this filter, you can choose from the following options:

  • Current: Displays objectives whose due date has not passed yet (i.e., active or ongoing). If you’ve selected a date range, this filter shows objectives that are open and fall within the specified range.
  • Open: Shows all objectives that are still open, meaning they have not been closed or archived. For example, "I want to see all objectives that remain active."
  • Past due: Displays objectives whose due dates have already passed.
  • Closed: Shows objectives that have been completed and marked as closed.
  • Archived: Displays objectives that have been archived.
  • Future: Shows objectives with a start date set in the future.

Common use cases:

  • "What objectives are coming up next quarter?" Set the date range to match the start and end of next quarter.
  • "How did our company perform on objectives last quarter?" Set the date range to match last quarter's dates.
  • "What objectives need action?" Select the Open option to see all objectives that are still active or current within the selected date range.
Find objectives that have a specific tag applied to them.

The Tags filter allows you to view all objectives that have a specific tag applied. Objectives tags help organize OKRs so users can easily see who is working on tasks that are related to specific, shared themes. Once a tag is created, it's available to apply to objectives during creation/editing and to use to filter objectives.


Help Center article 💡: Manage tags for Objectives

Related resources 📖

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ❓

I just created an objective and it isn't showing up on the "All objectives" page. Why?

Oftentimes this is because applied filters don't match the qualities of the objective. Double-check that the newly created objective falls within the selected date range and other filters. 

How can I reset the applied filters?

If you would like to reset your filters and start a new search from scratch, simply select the Reset to default button, and the default filters will be restored. The button is located in the top right of your filters section. 

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