Once a review cycle has been created, review admins and cycle collaborators can edit individual settings for that review cycle on a participant's "Edit Individual Settings" (EIS) page. On the EIS page, you can change who is responsible for writing reviews about a person, add cycle-specific review viewers, and see a list of who the participant is responsible for writing reviews about.

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Best-Self Review®.
👥 This article is relevant to Review admins and Cycle collaborators.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform and Total Platform pricing packages.



Editing an individual's settings only affects the review cycle you're editing settings for. Manager and direct report changes within a cycle will not update anywhere else in 15Five.

Access and edit an individual's review settings

  1. Click on Best-Self Review® in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Click on the name of the review cycle you want to manage settings in.
  3. Use filters or the search bar to find the person whose review settings need to be updated. Here, you should search for the name of the individual participant whose review authors you want to edit.
  4. Click '...' to the right of the individual's name, then select 'Edit individual settings' from the dropdown menu.
  5. You'll be led to the person's "Review settings" page. On this page you'll see four sections:

    Who’s writing reviews of [Participant]?

    Allows you to customize who is responsible for writing reviews about a review cycle participant.

    The "Who’s writing reviews of [Participant]" section includes everyone who is responsible for writing a review about that person. From here, you can edit who is responsible for writing a manager review, upward review, or peer review about the review cycle participant.

    For example, let's say the participant whose individual settings page you're on is Jane Meldrum. The 'Who's writing reviews of Jane Meldrum?' section would include who is responsible for writing a manager review of Jane, who is writing additional manager reviews of Jane, who is writing peer reviews of Jane, and who is writing upward reviews of Jane (if Jane is a manager).


    The following review authors appear on this page:

    • Self review: The "Self review" selection cannot be edited, as Jane is the only person who can write a self review of herself.
    • Manager review: The "Manager review" field can be edited as long as the existing manager has not yet submitted a manager review of the participant. If you edit Jane's assigned manager here, the new manager will then be asked to complete a manager review of Jane. Only one manager review author can be appointed.
    • Additional manager reviews: You can add up to five individuals in the "Additional manager review" field. These people have the ability to write manager reviews about the review cycle participant, in addition to their manager in the review cycle. They can also see review results for the participant. Learn more about the additional manager role.
    • Peer reviews: The "Peer reviews" field contains all of Jane's nominated peers, regardless of approval and acceptance status. If the participant hasn't nominated any peers yet, you'll also see the option to Nudge them to nominate peers. Options for editing will vary depending on which step of the process a peer nomination is in.
      Help Center article 💡: Nominate peers for a review cycle participant
      Help Center article 💡: Approve, deny, or remove peer nominations for a participant
    • Upward reviews: The "Upward reviews" field contains all of Jane's direct reports who are tasked with writing an upward review of Jane. If Jane has no direct reports, the list will say 'None'. However, you can manually add anyone to this field who you want to write an upward review of Jane.

    Who can view reviews of [Participant]?

    Allows you to add cycle-specific review viewers for the participant.

    The "Who can view reviews of [Participant]?" section allows you to manage cycle-specific review viewers for the participant. Review viewers have view-only visibility into all a person's review results.


    To manage cycle-specific review viewers, click Edit to the right of the 'Viewers' field. Add a new review viewer by typing their name into the field, or remove a viewer by clicking the "X" next to their name. Remember to Save your changes.

    Help Center article 💡: Add a review viewer for a participant
    Help Center article 💡: Access reviews as a review viewer

    Which participant(s) is [Participant] reviewing?

    Allows you to see what reviews the participant is responsible for writing.

    The "Which participant(s) is [Participant] reviewing?" section lists out all reviews that an individual is responsible for writing. This section is read-only, meaning you cannot edit who a person is responsible for reviewing from their own Edit Individual Settings (EIS) page. That said, you can click on the hyperlinked name of a person to open their EIS page and edit review authors from there.


    Who can share and finalize the reviews of [Participant]?

    Allows you to add individuals who can share and finalize review results with the participant.

    The "Which participant(s) is [Individual] reviewing?" section allows you to add "sharing users": that is, individuals who can share and finalize review results with the participant. This is a cycle-specific role. By default, only Review admins, Cycle collaborators, and a review cycle participant's manager can share and finalize review results for a participant.


    To manage this role, click Edit to the right of the 'Sharing users' field. Add someone by typing their name into the field, or remove a person by clicking the "X" next to their name. Remember to Save your changes.

    Help Center article 💡: Complete, share, and finalize summaries

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I change a person's manager review author in an active cycle?
  • Open the participant's "Edit Individual Settings" page.
  • Navigate to the "Who is writing reviews of[Name]?" section and locate the "Manager review" option.
  • Update the participant's manager here, and the new manager will be prompted to write a review of the participant.

Help Center article 💡: Update managers during an active review cycle

How do I assign a person to write an upward review for someone other than their current manager?
  • Open the participant's "Edit Individual Settings" page.
  • Go to the "Which participant(s) is [Name] reviewing?" section and find the "Upward review" option.
  • Update the manager that the participant needs to write an upward review for.
Can a person's manager review be completed by one manager while they completes their upward review of another manager?

Yes, absolutely. The person writing a participant's manager review and the person receiving the participant's upward review does not have to be the same person.

As a Review admin or Cycle collaborator, can I manage peers from this page?

Yes, you can. You have the capability to edit peers for participants using the "Edit individual settings" page. Additionally, you can manage peers for participants directly from the 'Peer nominations' page.

Help Center article 💡: Nominate peers for a review cycle participant
Help Center article 💡: Approve, deny, or remove peer nominations for a participant

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