As an admin or manager, you know that finding the right questions to ask your team is only half the battle— seeing the answers and interacting with them is where change takes place. The Questions dashboard provides you with insights into Check-in question and answer rates, allowing you to measure how reporters are engaging with the questions you ask in Check-ins. Use the data and reports contained in the Questions dashboard to determine how effective your Check-in questions are and identify areas of opportunity in your question strategy.

In this article, you will learn about the following sections of the Questions dashboard:

  • Questions dashboard: Gives you a high-level overview of how questions are being answered in Check-ins.
  • Metrics report: Provides in-depth metrics around how individuals and groups are interacting with Check-ins.
  • Answers report: Allows you to see and interact with answers given to text Check-in questions, as well as see how many questions people and groups are being asked in their Check-ins


Role-based permissions for Check-in reporting
👥 Account admins can see metric data for everyone in the organization, as well as Check-in answers for individuals whose Check-ins they have permission to view. Managers can only see metric data and answers for individuals whose Check-ins they have permission to view.

Questions dashboard

The 'Questions dashboard' gives you an overview of how questions are being answered in Check-ins and contains three sections: filters, the metric table and graph, and the individual and group metrics tables.


Use the filters section at the top of the dashboard to manipulate the data shown in the Questions dashboard reports.


Available filters
  • People: Show results for an individual or a group.
  • Check-in frequency: Show results for individuals who submit their Check-ins on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cadence.
  • Time frame: Show results from the last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last 12 months, or a custom date range.
  • Include active Check-in data: Include submitted Check-ins that are due after the selected time frame in the results.

Metric table and graph

The metric table and graph show how your organization is performing in key question metrics.


This table and graph focus on three key indicators of questions usage:

  • Overall answer rate: This metric gives you an overall look at whether or not questions (required and optional) are being answered in Check-ins.  Are you seeing a dip compared to last month? Perhaps it’s time to freshen up the questions. Seeing an increase? What questions have you introduced to help boost this trend?
  • Optional answer rate: This metric gives you an overall look at whether or not optional questions are being answered in Check-ins.
  • Answers with comments: Out of all submitted answers, what percentage have at least one comment from the reporter's manager? With this metric, you can easily see how often managers are commenting on answers, and watch for trends week-over-week or month-over-month.


    According to Gallup, when managers provide weekly (vs. annual feedback), people are 5.2x more likely to "strongly agree" they receive meaningful feedback.

Available actions in this section
  • Use the filters at the top of the page to manipulate the data contained in the report
  • Click on one of the metrics on the left-hand side of the screen to see the correlating graph
  • Hover over any underlined term to see a definition
  • Hover over a point on the graph to see a detailed description of data from that period of time
  • Click See answers to questions under the graph to open the Answers report, which shows all answers given to text questions asked in Check-ins

Individual and group metrics tables

At the bottom of the page, you'll see the 'Individual metrics' and 'Group metrics' tables. These tables allow you to see the individuals/groups with the highest and lowest answer rates.


Available actions in this section
  • Use the filters at the top of the page to manipulate the data contained in the report
  • Click into the 'Highest' or 'Lowest' tabs in the metrics snapshots to see individuals or groups who have the highest and lowest answer rates, respectively
  • Click See individual metrics or See group metrics at the bottom of the table to open the Metrics report, which provides in-depth metrics around how individuals or groups are interacting with Check-ins

Metrics report

The metrics report allows you to dive deeper into how individuals and groups are interacting with Check-ins, and contains two sections: filters and the metrics table. To access these metrics reports, click on See individual metrics or See group metrics at the bottom of the Questions dashboard.


Use the filters section at the top of the metrics report to manipulate the data shown in the report.


Available filters
  • People: Show results for an individual or a group.
  • Check-in frequency: Show results for individuals who submit their Check-ins on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cadence.
  • Time frame: Show results from the last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last 12 months, or a custom date range.
  • Required type: Show results for questions that are required, optional, or all.
  • Question status: Show results for questions that are active, inactive, or all.

Metrics table

The metrics table shows detailed Check-in metrics for individuals or group types.


Columns included in the report
  • Name/Group
  • # of people (groups only): The # of people in the group.
  • Reviewer (individuals only): The name of the reporter's direct manager.
  • Questions answered: The # of questions answered on a submitted Check-in out of all questions on that Check-in.
  • Answer rate: The % of all questions answered vs. all questions asked (i.e. take the 'Questions answered' stat and divide it to turn it into a percentage).
  • Avg questions per Check-in: The average # of questions asked per Check-in.
  • Direct manager comment rate: The % of answers with at least one comment from the reporter’s direct manager.
  • Direct manager like rate: The % of answers with at least one like from the reporter’s direct manager.
  • Avg Company-wide questions per Check-in: The average # of company-wide questions that are asked per Check-in.
  • Avg group questions per Check-in: The average # of group questions that are asked per Check-in.
  • Avg individual questions per Check-in: The average # of individual questions that are asked per Check-in.
  • 15Fives submitted: The # of submitted Check-ins out of the number of created Check-ins for the individual or group.
  • 15Fives reviewed: The # of Check-ins reviewed out of the number of Check-ins submitted for the individual or group.
  • Due day (individuals only): The day of the week that the individual’s Check-in is due.
  • Reporting frequency (individuals only): The frequency in which an individual is required to fill out a Check-in (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly).
  • Avg pulse: The average pulse score of the individual or members of the group.
  • Last seen (individuals only): The last time the individual was active in 15Five.
Available actions in this section
  • Use the filters at the top of the page to manipulate the data contained in the report
  • Use the individual/group filter in the top, right-hand corner of the metrics table to see data for individuals or specific group types
  • Hover over the question mark icon to the right of a term to see what it means
  • Use the arrows to the right of any column title to organize results from lowest to highest (or vice versa)
  • Click the box next to individual or group names to make the Contact button appear in the top, right-hand corner of the metrics table
    Then, click the Contact to craft and send a personalized email message to selected individuals. When viewing the metrics table for a group type, you can choose to send a personalized message to either reviewers within the group or all group members. Use this option to help shape your employee’s behaviors around answering questions in Check-ins.
Download options
  • Click Download in the top, right-hand corner of the page to download the metrics report.
    Columns contained in the report are: Name, Reviewer, Questions answered, Answer rate, Avg questions per Check-in, Reviewer comment rate, Avg Company-wide questions per Check-in, Avg group questions per Check-in, Avg individual questions per Check-in, Check-ins Submitted, Check-ins Reviewed, Due day, Check-in frequency, Avg Pulse, Last seen, Employee email

Answers report

The answers report allows you to see and interact with answers given to text Check-in questions and contains two sections: filters and the answers table. To access the answers report, click See answers to questions under the metrics table and graph on the Questions Dashboard.



The Answers report only contains data related to text Check-in questions. Yes/No, Numerical, and Rating-scale questions are considered “metric” questions and can be reported on using the Trends dashboard and/or Polls dashboard after answers have been submitted.



Use the filters section at the top of the answers report to manipulate the data shown in the report.


Available filters
  • Who answered this question? Show questions that were asked to your direct reports, hierarchy, specific individuals, or specific groups.
  • Check-in frequency: Show questions that appear on Check-ins for individuals who submit their Check-ins on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cadence, or all.
  • Time frame: Show questions asked in the last month, last 3 months, last 6 months, last 12 months, or a custom date range.
  • Required type: Show questions that are required, optional, or all.
  • Question status: Show questions that are active, inactive, or all.

Answers table

The answers table gives you an overview of all answered Check-in questions that match your filters and associated metrics.


Information and metrics included in the table
  • Required type: Either required or optional.
  • Question type: Either company-wide, group, or individual.
  • Last answered date: The last time the question was answered in a Check-in.
  • # of answers given to the question
  • Answer rate: The % of people who answered a question out of the total group of people who were asked in.
Available actions in this section
  • Use the filters at the top of the page to manipulate the data contained in the report
  • Search for a specific question using the search bar at the top of the answers table
  • Click View answers to the right of a question to view all answers given to that question.
    Feel free to drill down to a specific period of time and/or specific people that answered the question.
  • Once you've opened a list of answers, you can click directly on an answer to open the 'Answer details' drawer. Here, you can like or comment on the answer. You can also use the ... to the right of the answer to complete any of the actions you would normally be able to do from that person's Check-in, like adding to a 1-on-1 agenda or passing it up.
Download options
  • Download the answers to all questions that match your selected filters by clicking Download answers in the top, right-hand corner of the report.

    Columns contained in the report are: Name, Reviewer, Date submitted, Date submitted (ISO), Question, Answer, # of likes, # of comments, Private answer (true/false)
  • Click the box next to a question (or multiple questions) to show the Download answers button in the top, right-hand corner of answers table.
    Then, click the Download answers button in the top, right-hand corner of the answers table to download a report contains answers to selected questions.
    Columns contained in the report are: Name, Reviewer, Date submitted, Date submitted (ISO), Question, Answer, # of likes, # of comments, Private answer (true/false)


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