Link a key result to a Jira Cloud issue

15Five's Jira Cloud integration works alongside our Objectives feature to automatically update your team's key results in 15Five as Jira issues are updated. Once the Jira integration is enabled for your company, there will be a "Link to" option when creating an objective or adding key results to an existing objective. 

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to create or edit objectives.
👥 This article is relevant to people with permission to create and edit objectives.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform, Legacy Focus, and Total Platform pricing packages.



Check out our "Use cases for Jira Cloud integration" Help Center article for tips and tricks on how to make the most out of this integration.

Link a key result to Jira

These steps assume that the objective with key result(s) you want to link to Jira already exists. If you haven't yet created the objective, check out our "Create an objective" Help Center article.

  1. Click Objectives in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation to open the Objectives Dashboard.
  2. Use the filters at the top of the page to find the objective you want to update.
  3. Click on the name of the objective to open its details page.
  4. Click the Settings gear in the top, right-hand corner of the page and select "Edit objective" from the dropdown menu.
  5. Scroll down to the key result you want to link to Jira and click the Link to... button to its right. Select Jira Cloud from the dropdown menu.LinktoJira.png
  6. Search and click on the Jira Cloud issue/epic/story/etc that you want to use as a key result.



    Not familiar with JQL search? Check out Atlassian's blog post "JQL: the most flexible way to search Jira." 💪🏾

  7. Choose whether you would like the issues to be continually linked, meaning that issues will be automatically reflected in this key result as they're added or removed from the query.
  8. Next, decide how you would like the key result to be measured. Options are Issue progress or Total number of issues.

    Issue progress

    If you select Issue progress, 15Five will automatically fill in the current value for the key result, based on how many issues match the status chosen, at the top of each hour. Selecting this option also expands an additional option: Update key result when issues are in which status? This allows the person to decide at what point the key result should be "complete". These statuses are based on the stages that exist in your company's Jira Cloud account.

    Total number of issues

    If you select Total number of issues, 15Five will automatically (at the top of each hour) fill in the current value for the key result based on how many Jira issues match the search. For example, if the search yields 7 results, the starting value is auto-filled to 7 and the target value can be edited to be any number. Maybe the goal is just to reduce the number of issues to 3. Then the target value could be set to 3. If you checked the option for 'Continuously link issues that match search' in step #5, as Jira issues are added or removed from the search that is linked, the current key result value will update. So if week #3 rolls around and there are now 8 issues that match the search, the current value will show 8.

  9. Click Link the Jira issue(s) and let 15Five and Jira do the rest.

Unlink a key result

  1. Click Objectives in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation to open the Objectives Dashboard.
  2. Use the filters at the top of the page to find the objective you want to update.
  3. Click on the name of the objective to open its details page.
  4. Click the Settings gear in the top, right-hand corner of the page and select "Edit objective" from the dropdown menu.
  5. Find the key result you want to edit or unlink and click Unlink issues.Screen_Shot_2021-04-19_at_3.24.25_PM.png

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I set up the Jira integration?

Please refer to our "Configure Jira Cloud for OKRs" article for a walkthrough.

Do I have to log into my Jira account to link key results to Jira issues?

No— people do not need to log into Jira with their own credentials for the Jira integration to work in their accounts. As long as the integration is enabled for your company, the option to link key results to Jira issues will exist. Learn how to set up the Jira integration.

Can I update my key result's current value manually through 15Five? Or can I update my current value in 15Five and have it update Jira?

No. This is a one-way integration (Jira > 15Five), so all updates to key results must be made in Jira.

Can I convert a linked key result to a child objective?

Not if you want it to still be linked to the Jira issue, as Jira issues cannot be linked to objectives. If you attempt to convert a linked key result, you'll see the warning below. If you still wish to convert the key result, you can proceed.


Help Center article 💡: Convert a key result to a child objective

How often does 15Five sync with Jira?

Every hour at the top of the hour. There is also an option to manually sync on the Jira Cloud Integration page.

What does "Max number of tickets returned" mean?

This error is displayed when your JQL when your search returns greater than 200 results. Please narrow down your search.

Why do I have only a couple of options under "Update key result when issues in which status?"

If you have multiple Jira tickets that show up under the "search results" after defining your "JQL Search", then the options you see will be based on the status options that those linked tickets have in common. If they only have "Closed" and "In Progress" in common, then you will only see those two statuses as options for when we update that key result in 15Five. 

Why can't I edit a key result that's linked to Jira?

It's possible that your integration is no longer connected. Please reach out to one of your Account admins and have them open up the Jira Cloud integration page in 15Five to see if it's still connected. If not, they may have to re-set it up.

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