Use the 15Five app for Slack

The 15Five app in Slack enables users to complete 15Five tasks easily without ever leaving Slack. In this article, we'll walk 15Five/Slack users through the process of adding the 15Five app and using it to fill out Check-ins, manage objectives, and more. Whether you're a manager looking to keep track of your team's check-ins or an individual contributor aiming to more seamlessly use 15Five in your current flow of work, this article will empower you to make the most of the 15Five and Slack integration.

In this article, you will learn...

Add the 15Five app to your Slack account

Once an account admin has set up the 15Five app for Slack, you can add the 15Five app to your Slack account. Adding the 15Five app to your Slack account allows you to manage 15Five items via Slack and receive notifications via Slack. Below are the steps to adding the 15Five app to your Slack account.



You must use the same email address for your Slack account and 15Five account to install the 15Five app.

  1. Scroll down to the 'Apps' section on the left-hand side of your Slack account, then click Add apps.
  2. Search for "15Five" and click on the application.
  3. Confirm that the 15Five app now appears under the "Apps" section of your Slack account.

Navigate the 15Five app in Slack

Once you've added the 15Five app to your Slack account, you can access it at any point by going to the "Apps" section on the left-hand side of your Slack account and clicking on 15Five. Upon opening the 15Five app, you will be taken to your 15Five homepage in Slack, which contains three tabs: Home, Messages, and About.


  • The Home tab contains the highest-level to-dos that need your attention for the week.
  • The Messages tab contains all Slack messages received regarding 15Five, as well as all Slack notifications that are enabled in your 15Five account.
  • The About tab contains all information about the 15Five app for Slack, including what information is shared and a list of 15Five-specific commands you can use in Slack.

Read more about each of these tabs below.

Home tab

The 'Home' tab contains the highest-level to-dos that need your attention for the week and includes the following sections:

  • My Check-ins: Displays the due date of your next Check-in and provides a link to open your current Check-in in 15Five.
  • Pulse: Allows you to update your current Pulse score.
  • Priorities: Allows you to manage your current priorities.
  • Team's Check-ins (managers only): Displays team Check-ins that are ready for review.
  • Objectives: Shows your current objectives and key results, along with objective information including how much time remains until the due date, status, and completion percentage.
  • Questions: Allows you to answer current Check-in questions.
  • Reporter Feedback: Allows you to provide an answer to the Check-in question, "Do you have anything else to add?"
  • 1-on-1s: Shows dates and links to your upcoming 1-on-1s, along with current 1-on-1 action items assigned to you.
  • Best-Self Review: Displays any actions that you need to complete for current review cycles.

Use the Filter by button at the top of the page to filter which items appear.

Anywhere you see a green button, you can click on it to take action. Read more about available actions that can be taken on this page in the next section of this article.

Click on the '...' to the right of any item to take action from Slack. Read more about available actions that can be taken on this page in the next section of this article.

Messages tab

The 'Messages' tab contains all Slack messages received regarding 15Five, as well as all Slack notifications that are enabled for your account.

Anywhere you see a black or green button, you can click on it to take action. Read more about available actions that can be taken on this page in the next section of this article.


About tab

The 'About' tab contains all information about the 15Five app for Slack, including what information is shared and a list of 15Five-specific commands you can use in Slack.


What actions can I use the 15Five app for?

You've done the legwork— now it's time for the 15Five app to start making your life easier! The 15Five app allows individuals to perform the following feature-specific actions without leaving your flow of work.


Add a Slack message as a talking point
  1. Hover over the item in Slack that you want to add to your 1-on-1 as a talking point and open the "More actions" menu.
  2. Select 'Add to 1-on-1' from the dropdown menu.
  3. A popup will appear asking you to select whose 1-on-1(s) you want to add the talking point to. Only people that appear on your 'My 1-on-1' list will appear as options for you to add the talking point for. You can also rename the talking point in the 'Add this to your 1-on-1 agenda' field.
  4. Click Add to 1-on-1. The item will immediately appear on your 1-on-1 agenda in 15Five.
End a 1-on-1
  1. Open the 15Five app in your Slack account— it's located in the "Apps" section of the lefthand bar.
  2. Scroll to the '1-on-1s' section.
  3. Click End past 1-on-1 to the right of the 1-on-1 you want to end.

Best-Self Review®

View deadlines for current review cycles and open reviews in 15Five
  1. Open the 15Five app in your Slack account— it's located in the "Apps" section of the lefthand bar.
  2. Scroll to the 'Best-Self Review' section. All review deadlines for current review cycles will appear here.
  3. To open a review and begin or continue filling it out in 15Five, click Complete on 15Five to its right.


See when your next Check-in is due and open it in 15Five
  1. Open the 15Five app in your Slack account— it's located in the "Apps" section of the lefthand bar.
  2. Find the 'My Check-ins' section at the top of the screen. Here, you can see when your current Check-in is due and what dates the Check-in is for.
  3. To open your current Check-in in 15Five, click Complete on 15Five.
View or update your current Pulse
  1. Open the 15Five app in your Slack account— it's located in the "Apps" section of the lefthand bar.
  2. Scroll to the 'Pulse' section. If you've already selected a Pulse score for your current Check-in, it will appear here.
  3. If you want to set or update your current Pulse score, click Update Pulse. A popup will appear asking you to select a Pulse score and provide optional content. Once you're done, click Submit.
Update the status of an objective
  1. Open the 15Five app in your Slack account— it's located in the "Apps" section of the lefthand bar.
  2. Scroll to the 'Objectives' section and click Update objective status to the right of the objective you want to update.
  3. Use the dropdown in the "Update Objective" popup to select whether the objective is on track, behind, or at risk. Then, click Submit.
Update a key result
  1. Open the 15Five app in your Slack account— it's located in the "Apps" section of the lefthand bar.
  2. Scroll to the 'Objectives' section and click Update key result to the right of the key result you want to update.
  3. Use the "Update Key Result" popup to reflect the current status of your key result. Then, click Submit.
View and manage current priorities
  1. Open the 15Five app in your Slack account— it's located in the "Apps" section of the lefthand bar.
  2. Scroll to the 'Your Priorities' section. Here, you can view all current priorities you've set on your Check-in.
  3. Click ... to the right of a priority to open options. You can mark a priority as not complete, comment on a priority, copy a priority to your next Check-in, edit a priority, or remove a priority.
Add a Slack message as a current priority
  1. Hover over the item in Slack that you want to add to your current Check-in as a priority and open the 'More actions' menu.
  2. Select 'Add to priorities' from the dropdown menu.
  3. A popup will appear that allows you to summarize the text of the priority. Make any desired changes. 
  4. Click Add to priorities. The item will immediately appear as a priority on your current Check-in.
Answer current Check-in questions
  1. Open the 15Five app in your Slack account— it's located in the "Apps" section of the lefthand bar.
  2. Scroll to the 'Questions' section, which contains all questions contained on your current Check-in. To answer a question, click Answer question to its right.
  3. A popup will appear for you to type out your answer. When you're done, click Submit.
Like or comment on a Check-in comment, priority, or high five
  1. Open the 15Five app in your Slack account— it's located in the "Apps" section of the lefthand bar.
  2. Open the 'Messages' tab and find the comment, priority, or high five you want to interact with.
  3. Use the Comment or Like button to interact with the item.


Request feedback from a teammate
  1. Open any channel or direct chat in Slack.
  2. Type the command /request-feedback and send the message. Nothing will post in the channel or direct chat, but a "Request Feedback" popup will appear.
  3. Use the "Who would you like feedback from?" dropdown menu to select one or more people to request feedback from. To get the full perspective and an unbiased feedback loop, we suggest requesting feedback from multiple people about the same topic.
  4. Use the "What would you like feedback about?" field to describe what you want feedback on— whether it be a project, presentation, or general topic. You may want to add specific questions to the end of your description to guide the responders.
  5. If you'd like for your direct manager to have visibility into feedback you receive, select "Yes" from the dropdown menu under "Share feedback with your manager". By default, only you and the person that shares feedback have visibility into the feedback.
  6. Finish the request by clicking Submit request. After clicking this button, the person(s) you requested feedback from will be notified.
Respond to a feedback request
If you have Slack notifications enabled for receiving feedback requests, you can respond to a feedback request without leaving Slack.
  1. Open the 15Five app in your Slack account— it's located in the "Apps" section of the lefthand bar.
  2. Open the 'Messages' tab of the 15Five app, then find the feedback request you would like to respond to.
  3. Click on Send feedback below the request to open the feedback form.
  4. A pop-up window will appear asking you to provide feedback to your teammate about the topic noted in the request. If you're looking for inspiration, consider these tips:
    • Separate positive and constructive feedback. Surrounding constructive feedback with positive feedback may feel better for the giver, but is confusing for the receiver.
    • Use this one sentence to make feedback 40% more effective: “I am giving you these comments because I have very high expectations and I know you can reach them.
    • For feedback to be effective, keep it about the work— not the person. First, describe the situation, then name your feeling (“I feel...”), then make your request (“I need...”).
  5. Once you've written your feedback and are ready to share it with the requestor, click the Send feedback button.

High Fives

Give a High Five

You can give a High Five while you are in Slack— without ever leaving your flow of work!

  1. From within any Slack channel, type the command /highfive.SlackHighFive.png
  2. @mention the person or group you want to give a high five to (e.g. @sophiafresch), followed by the content of your High Five. Please note that this person must have a Slack account under the same email address that they use for 15Five for the high five to post to 15Five.
  3. Once you submit the high five, the recipient(s) will be notified and the high five will be posted on the High Fives Dashboard (in-app link).
Like or comment on a high five
  1. Open the 15Five app in your Slack account— it's located in the "Apps" section of the lefthand bar.
  2. Open the 'Messages' tab and find the high five you want to interact with.
  3. Use the Comment or Like button to interact with the high five.


Receive 15Five notifications in Slack
  1. Click on the Settings gear in the top, right-hand corner of 15Five.
  2. Select 'My settings' from the top of the dropdown menu.
  3. Click to open the 'Notifications' tab in the top navigation to open your notification preferences.
  4. On this page, you'll see a full list of personal notifications that you can manage, along with an 'Email' column and a 'Slack' column.
  5. Go through the list and decide which notifications you want to receive, and through which method. If a box is greyed out, that means you are not able to disable it either due to company notification settings or 15Five default settings.
  6. Once you're done, click Save at the bottom of the page.
  7. All notifications you opted to receive through Slack will appear in the 'Messages' tab of the 15Five app in Slack.

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