Custom surveys are one of the many options we offer for adding questions to an engagement campaign, and can be combined with any other default survey options to create an engagement campaign. If you want to add custom questions to an engagement campaign outside those offered in our default surveys, you can create a custom survey that contains those questions.
In this article, you will learn...
Access and availability
⛔️ Required access to Engagement.
👥 This article is relevant to Engagement Admins.
📦 This feature is available in the Engage, Legacy Perform, and Total Platform pricing packages.
Create a custom survey
Your organization will not receive an engagement score or have access to drivers, heatmap, and other reporting for custom surveys.
- Click Engagement in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
- You'll land on the Engagement Overview page in 15Five. From here, click Go to Engage to open the Engage Portal.
- Click on the Settings gear in the top, right-hand corner of the Engage Portal and select 'Settings' from the dropdown menu.
- Open the 'Survey management' tab.
- Then, click + Add Survey in the top, right-hand corner.
Select a survey name. We suggest selecting a unique name that you will recognize when adding it to an engagement campaign.
Add sections. Click + Add Section to add a section to your survey.
You can add as many sections as you want and sections can easily be reordered by clicking the up/down arrows to the left of the section title.
Add statements. Add statements to a created section by clicking + Add Statement.
A popup will appear for you to create your statement. Each statement must be either an opinion scale (Likert 5-point scale) or an opinion response (open-ended text response). When you're done typing the statement, click +Add.
You can add as many statements as you want and a statement can easily be reordered using the six dots to its left. To move an item to a different section, delete it and recreate it.
- Your changes are saved automatically. Once you're done creating a survey, you can continue on to create an engagement campaign.
Open-ended response and opinion response questions included in custom surveys are optional, meaning that employees aren't required to answer them to submit their survey.
Edit a custom survey
Custom surveys can be edited until they are used in a campaign, at which point they are locked and cannot be changed.
- Click Engagement in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation to open the Engage Portal.
- You'll land on the 'Campaigns' page in the Engage portal. From here, open the 'Settings' page using the left-hand navigation bar.
- Click into the 'Survey Management' tab in the left-hand navigation, then click View details next to the survey you want to edit.
- You're now on the Survey Details page. Here you can rename the survey, add a section (by pressing + Add Section), rename sections or section descriptions (using the pencil icon next to the section name), delete a section (using the trashcan icon next to the section name), delete a statement (using the trashcan icon to its right), or add new statement (by pressing + Add Statement).
- Your changes are saved automatically. Once you're done creating a survey, you can continue on to create an engagement campaign.