15Five's 'My team' Dashboard allows direct managers to see high-level reporting for their team upon logging into 15Five.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to My team Dashboard.
👥 This article is relevant to managers.
📦 This feature is available in all pricing packages.

Use the My team Dashboard

  1. Click on your avatar in the top, right-hand corner of 15Five to open your profile.
  2. Click on the 'My team' tab.
  3. You'll land on the My team Dashboard. Continue reading for information about what's included in the dashboard.
    Unreviewed Check-ins

    This widget shows any unreviewed Check-ins that your team has submitted. Click Review Check-Ins to open the 'Unreviewed Check-ins' page and start reviewing!


    Help Center article 💡: Review a Check-in

    Team pulse

    Here you'll see a graph that contains your direct reports' answers to the Pulse question ("How did you feel at work since your last Check-in?") for the most recent Check-in period. Click See pulse answers to open the Pulse Dashboard, which gives you a detailed look into how your direct reports are feeling at work.


    My 1-on-1s

    This section displays current 1-on-1s with your direct reports and contains quick-links to view 1-on-1 agendas and add talking points to 1-on-1 agendas. Click ... to the right of a 1-on-1 to open a dropdown menu that allows you to copy a link to the 1-on-1 agenda, view the 1-on-1, or view a history of all 1-on-1s with that direct report.


    Help Center article 💡: Use the 1-on-1 agenda

    My Team

    In this section, you'll see a list of all your direct reports. Click ... to the right of a person to open a dropdown menu that includes shortcuts to view their profile or view wins and challenges you've added for them.


    Help Center article 💡: My Profile: Feature Overview
    Help Center article 💡: Add an item to my direct report's wins & challenges

    Team objectives

    Here you'll see a list of any objectives your direct reports own. Click View all objectives to open the Objectives Dashboard and see all organization objectives you have permission to view.



I'm a manager, but I'm not seeing the My team Dashboard in 15Five. Why is that?

Companies must have the following features enabled for managers to have access to the My team Dashboard:

  • Check-ins
  • Pulse
  • 1-on-1s
  • Objectives
  • High Fives
  • Smart Groups

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