Review administrators, cycle collaborators, and a participant's manager can unshare a participant's review results to allow editing prior to the cycle's end date. Whether the reviews are unshared or reopened, email notifications regarding these actions will be sent to the participant, their direct manager, cycle collaborators, and review administrators.

In this article, you will learn...



Managers, cycle collaborators, and review administrators will be able to undo the sharing and finalizing of the reviews prior to the cycle's end date. If the cycle's end date has already passed, a review admin or cycle collaborator will want to extend the end date of the review cycle before proceeding with the steps below.

Unshare reviews that have been shared with the participant

  1. Click on Best-Self Review® In 15Five's main, left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Click on the name of the review cycle where the participant needs their reviews unshared.
  3. Navigate to the participant's reviews by clicking on their name, or by clicking 'view' after selecting the three dots to the right.
  4. Click into the 'Summary' tab and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Here, click the Unshare button. You will not see this button if the review cycle's end date has already passed. In that case, a review admin or cycle collaborator must extend the end date of the review cycle before you see the option to unshare the review.
  5. After clicking Unshare a prompt will appear explaining that unsharing the reviews means that the participant will no longer be able to see the submitted reviews about them, and that the participant will receive an email notification that their reviews were unshared.
  6. Click Unshare to complete this process!


After unsharing the review, the participant, their manager, review cycle administrators, and cycle collaborators will receive a notification informing them that the reviews were unshared.

Reopen shared and finalized reviews

  1. Click on Best-Self Review® In 15Five's main, left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Click on the name of the review cycle where the participant needs their reviews reopened.
  3. Navigate to the participant's reviews by clicking on their name, or by clicking 'view' after selecting the three dots to the right.
  4. Navigate to the summary tab, and scroll down to the bottom of the page. You'll see a large Reopen review button that you will want to click.
  5. After clicking Reopen review, a prompt will appear explaining that reopening the review means that all reviewers will be allowed to unshare/edit reviews, edit notes and summaries, and that an email notification will be delivered to the participant that their review was reopened.
  6. Click Reopen review to undo the sharing and finalizing of the reviews for this participant.


After reopening the review, the participant, their manager, review cycle administrators, and cycle collaborators will receive a notification informing them that the reviews were reopened.

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