

The "high potential" attribute can only be seen and managed by HR admins.

Through product research, we've found that modern HR teams need a way to identify high performing employees in their organization so they can work towards retaining top talent. With this in mind, we created a new, private "high potential" attribute in employee profiles that HR admins can use to identify employees that have the potential to make a big impact on the organization. This field can only be seen and managed by HR admins.

In the future, we plan to expand the high potential feature— allowing you to filter engagement survey results, performance review results, Pulse scores, and more to see how your high potential employees are doing. Keep an eye out for future releases in the "What's new at 15Five?" section of our Help Center.

In this article, you will learn...

Mark an individual as high potential

  1. Click on the Settings gear in the top, right-hand corner of your 15Five account.
  2. Select 'People' (in-app link) from the dropdown menu.
  3. You are now on the 'Manage people' page. From here, find the person you want to mark as high potential and click on their name to open their individual account settings.
  4. Scroll down to the 'Private attributes' section, which contains all private attributes that have been created for your organization— including 'Employee potential'. Here, check the box next to "[Name] is a high potential employee".
  5. Save your changes using the button at the bottom of the individual's account settings page.

Use bulk import to mark multiple people as high potential

15Five's bulk import tool allows you to make bulk updates to multiple people within your organization via a CSV file.

Refer to our "Bulk import or update people" article for steps on how to perform a bulk import. To specifically mark people as high potential during a bulk import, make sure to include the following columns in your CSV: email and is_high_potential. Put a Y in the is_high_potential column for any individuals you want to mark as high potential.

Here's an example of what your CSV may look like:


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