The additional manager role allows someone other than a person's direct manager in 15Five to write a manager review for them. This can be beneficial when an employee has a dotted-line manager relationship and you want their feedback to be gathered in a review cycle. You can appoint a default additional manager, which allows them to write additional manager reviews in all cycles a person is a participant in, or cycle-specific additional manager, which gives people the ability to write an additional manager review in only a specific review cycle.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

📦 This feature is available in the Perform and Total Platform pricing packages.



Additional manager feedback is included in calibration sessions and can be incorporated into the calculation of employee performance ratings.

Add default additional managers

You can assign one default additional manager per employee. A person's default additional manager will be automatically assigned as an additional manager in all review cycles they participate in. Default additional managers can also be granted visibility into all past reviews of the person they're an additional manager for in Best-Self Review® feature settings.

There are two methods for adding default additional managers— using our bulk import tool (best if you want to add additional managers for multiple people at once) or in a person's account settings (best for adding an additional manager for a person one-off).



For a default additional manager to be asked to submit an additional manager review for a participant, they must be appointed before the review cycle launches. Suppose you want a person to write an additional manager review for someone and didn't add them as an additional manager before the cycle's launch. In this case, you can add them as a cycle-specific additional manager.

Bulk import Account settings

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Bulk import.
👥 This section is relevant to Account admins.

This option allows you to bulk upload or change default additional managers for multiple individuals at once. To learn more about bulk import capabilities, check out our "Bulk import or update people" article.

  1. Click the 'Settings' gear in the top right-hand corner of 15Five.
  2. Select 'People' from the dropdown menu to open the 'Manage people' page.
  3. Open the 'Import' tab using the top navigation bar.
  4. Prepare a CSV for upload. This CSV must contain two columns: email and additional_manager_write. List the employee's email address in the 'email' column and the email address of the person you'd like to serve as their default additional manager in the 'additional_manager_write' column.
  5. Upload the file by clicking the Choose file button at the bottom of the import screen.

Add cycle-specific additional managers

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Best-Self Review® individual settings.
👥 This section is relevant to Review admins, Cycle collaborators, and Direct managers.

This option allows you to give a person or multiple people the ability to write additional manager reviews about a participant in a specific review cycle. Additional managers added using this method can only write an additional manager review in that specific review cycle.

There can be up to five (5) cycle-specific additional managers added per person (including the default additional manager assigned in a person's account settings, if applicable).

Add a cycle-specific additional manager
  1. Click Best-Self Review® in 15Five's main, lefthand navigation bar. If your organization has renamed the performance review feature, click on its alternative name.
  2. Click on the name of the review cycle you want to assign additional managers in.
  3. Search for the review cycle participant you want to add a cycle-specific additional manager for.
  4. Click the ... option to the right of the participant's name and select 'Edit individual settings' from the dropdown menu.
  5. Scroll down to the 'Who can view reviews of [participant]?' section and click Edit next to 'Additional manager reviews'.
  6. Add the names of the people you want to add as additional managers, then click Save.


People who have additional managers will appear on the cycle overview page with a + icon. You can hover over the icon to see the names of their additional managers.

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