Email templates to announce and launch 15Five

In the modern workforce, we are inundated with tools— and here we are about to roll out another tool. Feel confident knowing you want employees to use 15Five for a good reason. This reason is what needs to be communicated with employees prior to launch to ensure good adoption.

This article will help you with that communication. It contains messaging other companies have used to successfully launch 15Five.

  • Feel free to copy the examples below and customize them to fit your needs
  • Share your announcement in an all-hands meeting, a team meeting, or via email
  • It’s best for your announcement to come from an executive team member who is invested in 15Five

The above steps will contribute to the healthy adoption of 15Five from the start.

15Five announcement templates

Request for early adopter program participants

If you plan to launch 15Five with a group of early adopters prior to launching to your entire company, you can use the email template below to announce 15Five to your early adopter team.


You are receiving this email because next week, you will be invited to participate as early adopters of a tool we are considering using at [company name] called 15Five.

15Five refers to an approach of the tool being designed for supervisors and team members to be able to quickly provide feedback or updates within 15 minutes each week and the supervisor or team leaders able to take 5 minutes at the beginning of each week to review all of the feedback.

I have shared with some of you that we need to continue to look for ways to make communication more efficient and targeted. How do we get the information we need or share the information we want in an efficient way? How do we get feedback and input from others on the work we are doing? How do we have a sense of how our various teams are doing?

Through 15Five, that is how!

We will be launching the tool on [launch date]. You will receive an email asking you to log in.

Moving forward, we want to be more mindful and conscientious about which tools we use for what purposes. For example:

  • Email – formal communication and documentation of discussions and transactions
  • 15Five – Project updates, feedback, project planning, & goal setting
  • Slack – Quick questions, clarifications, and quick updates
  • Text – immediate communication
  • Meetings – solicit feedback and build towards authentic agreement and decision-making

If you have any questions at all, please email [point of contact email address]. We are pumped to get this new tool in your hands and see what you think. Thanks for participating as an early adopter!

To our success,
[Name of executive team member]

15Five launch communication templates

Company-wide launch announcement following early adopter launch success (#1)


I am excited to announce the launch of our new employee feedback and communication tool, 15Five!

15Five is a performance management tool dedicated to accelerating human-centered leadership in the world so that companies and their people can thrive. Our decision to invest in 15Five was made based on your feedback around [INSERT YOUR "WHY" (e.g. a desire for career growth opportunities and manager effectiveness training, as well as struggles with communication amongst teams)].

For the past few months, members of the executive team have been engaged as early adopters of 15Five, and feedback has been very positive around both the ease of use and the opportunity for more consistent feedback.

15Five features that we'll be adopting for our initial launch are:


  • Check-ins: Weekly Check-ins provide you with the opportunity to share how you're feeling at work, set priorities, and share ongoing feedback with your manager. Once you submit your Check-in, your manager will interact with it and mark it as reviewed to foster continuous communication amongst teams.
  • High Fives: High FIves allow you to recognize your teammates for their contributions, collaboration, and strengths.
  • MicrolearningMicrolearning is a training resource for managers made up of bite-sized content that helps managers develop skills to become more effective managers.

Next week we'll send out an email that contains details about employee training sessions. In the meantime, please feel free to visit 15Five's website or Help Center to learn more. Any questions that pop up can be directed to [ADMIN NAME HERE], who will be leading the charge with 15Five, or our internal 15Five Slack channel [INSERT INTERNAL COMMS DESTINATION].

We're excited about the opportunities for increased communication and feedback that 15Five will provide.

Thank you,
[Name of executive team member]

Company-wide launch announcement following early adopter launch success (#2)

Hi Team,

As we enter into the new year, we have been investigating ways that we can continue to invest in the growth of our people.

Those of you at the last [TOWN HALL / ALL HANDS MEETING] will recall that we touched on a new people and communication platform called 15Five. We’re excited to announce that we're moving forward with launching 15five company-wide as a tool to assist in the dialog between managers & employees, giving you all a consistent voice in the organization.

15Five provides a place where you can capture your achievements, roadblocks, or challenges to get support from your manager. It will also provide all of us increased visibility into company-wide and departmental objectives so that you to see how they align with your own role. We believe this will continue to provide transparency on where we are heading and increase ownership across the business.

Additionally, 15Five is a fantastic platform to recognize others for achievements, loop people into projects you are working on, or log self-development objectives for career progression within the business.

The Senior Leadership Team, as well as a few employees across the business, were early adopters of this new software. Their feedback has been fantastic. I myself have found it easy to use and a great way to keep a pulse check on our people and stay on top of what is going on for my direct reports and where they need more support or input from me. We reviewed a number of different options and felt that 15Five was the most user-friendly, agile, and complimentary to our existing workflows. And, it has both an iOS and Android app so you can use 15Five on the go.

On [DATE], you will all receive an email from 15Five inviting you to join. At that point, I strongly encourage you all to have a look around the platform, download the app, and start to explore what 15Five is all about.

The HR team will be catching up with teams over the coming weeks to guide you toward a successful utilization of the platform. We also encourage you to register for one of 15Five's platform training webinars so you're set up for success.

Sometimes getting into a new habit can be hard, so to help you get into the rhythm, we will be reporting back regularly on our top users and top High Fivers, who will receive some great prizes!

We are all really excited for what this will bring to the business moving forward, and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!

Kind regards,
[Name of executive team member]

Company-wide launch announcement

Hi team,

I'm very excited to announce that we'll be launching 15Five on [launch date]! This initiative requires a bit of an introduction, so allow me to do so:

What is 15Five?

15Five is a continuous feedback platform designed to help managers better support their people.

  • It is a place to bring your voices, share wins & ideas, appreciate each other and collaboratively work through challenges
  • Support the 1-on-1's you're already having with your manager and colleagues

What does '15Five' mean?

  • Employees take 15 minutes a week to candidly answer a few questions related to your accomplishments, challenges, and morale
  • Managers spend 5 minutes reading, commenting on responses, and providing feedback
  • It’s a continuous practice that helps form the backbone of 1-on-1’s and performance development at [COMPANY NAME].
  • Here’s an introduction to 15Five

Supporting you

Knowing how your individual work activity contributes to the results that we're trying to achieve is critical to our success and your professional development.

To that end, we strongly believe in providing a means for our people to:

  • Feel connected
  • Give and receive input and advice from each other
  • Feel recognized and valued
  • Get a sense of how we're doing as individuals and team

To support this initiative, we're very excited to launch this new software tool, 15Five!

What's in it for me?

Adding a new tool to your weekly routine takes some time getting used to but the expectation is that each team will use this tool weekly.

We are confident that using 15Five will help you:

  1. Learn more about each other's work
  2. Make more productive use of 1-on-1 meetings

We require 100% participation and expect that managers review and engage with their staff weekly and during 1-on-1s.

What do I do next?

Keep an eye out for a welcome email from ​​ to set up a password. For any log-in-related issues, please direct your email to ​[point of contact’s email address]​ with a description and screenshots.

Bookmark the ​15Five​ login page for easy access.

Your first Check-in will be due ​[first due date]​. We're expecting everyone to complete their Check-ins by 5 pm each Friday.

Also, 15Five offers platform training. We encourage you to attend. Register for the next one here.

On behalf of the Leadership Team, thank you for your participation. We're excited to help our teams become more meaningfully focused and connected to the things that matter.

[Name of executive team member]

Announcement to leadership/managers


We have grown tremendously as an organization in the last 6 - 12 months. We have added hundreds of employees, multiple business units, and major shared service areas. It is now impossible for me to spend the time that I like with each department to have a good pulse on our organization.

We have a proven business model that can scale to billions in sales. Our success will be entirely dependent on execution and remaining a fast moving, healthy, entrepreneurial organization. I strongly believe that 15five is a tool that will help us achieve that success. For me personally, it is the only way I can hear great ideas and problems from the entire organization. I strongly believe you will be better executives when your teams start using this tool.

Here is what I believe to be the main benefits of (it is also straight from their website):

  • Employees Feel Heard - Employees feel heard and are more engaged. They have the opportunity to contribute based on their unique skills, abilities and perspectives.
  • You Stay Informed - You get a weekly snapshot of your team with zero effort.
  • Managers Save Time - Managers save an enormous amount of time gathering and escalating feedback from their team.
  • Entire Company Stays In The Loop - Everyone stays in the loop with what's most important. Conversations about important issues are kept out of email where they might otherwise be lost.

Today, about half of my direct reports (and their organization) are using on a regular basis. There is significantly better communication with those departments and those teams are more effective at solving problems quickly and effectively, small problems rarely become big problems.

For the next 12 weeks, I want to make it a top priority (and company requirement) to use 15five. It typically takes 2-3 weeks for employees to get "used to 15five", after that period employees generally love the tool/feedback. I will also be setting up a brief town hall meeting next week with the entire company to stress the importance of 15Five and why we are rolling it out.

When we make something a priority, this team is capable of doing ANYTHING. Let's give this a real shot and make it a priority for the next 12 weeks!

[Name of executive team member]

Feature launch communication templates

Launching Core Features

Email Template

Subject: Introducing 15Five's Core Features for Performance Excellence at [Organization Name]!

Dear Team,

I am thrilled to announce the introduction of 15Five's Core Features: a suite of powerful features designed to enhance performance excellence and drive our organization's success. With 15Five's Core Features, we can elevate our communication, feedback, and recognition practices to new heights.

Here's what our organization can expect from 15Five's Core Features:

  • Check-ins: We can now conduct regular check-ins to foster ongoing conversations and alignment. These check-ins enable us to track progress, celebrate wins, provide feedback, and keep everyone connected and focused on our shared goals.
  • 1-on-1s: We have access to a structured framework for effective one-on-one meetings. With 15Five, we can build meaningful agendas, capture key discussion points, and ensure that our one-on-ones are productive, collaborative, and impactful.
  • High Fives: We have the power to recognize and appreciate one another's contributions through the High Fives feature. By celebrating achievements and highlighting exceptional work, we can foster a culture of recognition and appreciation across our organization.
  • Feedback: We now have a simple and efficient way to request feedback from colleagues, managers, and even external stakeholders. This feature promotes a culture of continuous improvement and helps us gain valuable insights to grow personally and professionally.

To help us make the most of these Core Features, we are preparing company-wide training for utilizing each feature effectively. Look out for an email with instructions on how to access the platform and start leveraging the power of 15Five's Core Features.

I am excited to witness the positive impact that 15Five's Core Features will have on our organization's performance, communication, and collaboration. If you have any questions or need assistance, [NAME] is here to help.

Best regards,

[Executive Name]
[Organization Name]

Slack/Teams/Collaboration Announcement

📢 Exciting News! 🌟 We're thrilled to introduce 15Five's Core Features for performance excellence at [Organization Name]. Here's what's in store:

  • Check-ins: Foster ongoing conversations and alignment.
  • 🤝 1-on-1s: Structured framework for effective meetings.
  • 🎉 High Fives: Recognize and appreciate exceptional work.
  • 📝 Feedback: Gain valuable insights for growth.

Let's unlock the power of 15Five's Core Features and drive performance excellence together at [Organization Name]! 🚀🌟

Stay tuned for instructions on how to access the platform and get started. Let's elevate our communication, feedback, and recognition practices to new heights! 🙌

#15Five #CoreFeatures #PerformanceExcellence #Collaboration

Launching Best-Self Review®

Email template

Subject: Introducing Performance Reviews with 15Five: Empowering Your Professional Development at [Organization Name]!

Dear Team,

I am thrilled to announce the launch of 15Five's Best-Self Review® feature: a powerful performance review powerful designed to empower your professional development and support your growth journey at [Organization Name]. With this feature, we can elevate our performance reviews, create meaningful career paths, and unlock new opportunities for advancement.

Here's what you can expect:

  • 🌱 Best-Self Review®: We will conduct bi-annual Best-Self Review® cycles that will focus on your strengths, growth areas, and professional aspirations. This holistic approach encourages self-reflection, fosters growth-oriented conversations, and ensures that our performance reviews are centered around your individual development and career goals.
  • [OPTIONAL CONTENT if launching with Career Hub feature] Career Paths and Competencies: We have a dedicated platform to explore career paths and define the competencies required for success in each role. This enables us to have transparent discussions about Career Hub, identify the skills needed to progress and chart a clear path toward achieving your career aspirations.
  • [OPTIONAL CONTENT] Best-Self Kick-Off: We will kick-start this journey of self-discovery and growth with a Best-Self Kick-Off session. During this session, you'll have the opportunity to reflect on your best self, set intentions for growth, and align your goals with the organization's vision.
  • [OPTIONAL CONTENT if launching with Career Hub feature] Growth Plans: With 15Five, you can create personalized growth plans that outline your objectives, development activities, and milestones. These plans serve as a roadmap for your professional growth, providing clarity and direction as you work toward achieving your career goals.

To support you in leveraging the Reviews feature effectively, we have prepared comprehensive resources, including guides, videos, and workshops. Look out for an email with instructions on how to access these resources and get started on your journey of professional development.

I am excited to witness the transformative impact that 15Five's Reviews will have on your individual growth, career advancement, and overall success at [Organization Name]. If you have any questions or need assistance, [NAME] is here to help.

Let's embark on this journey of growth and development together with 15Five's Reviews!

Best regards,

[Executive Name]
[Organization Name]

Slack/Teams/Collaboration Announcement

📢 Attention all [Organization Name] team members! 🌟 We're thrilled to introduce 15Five's Reviews & Career Hub feature, empowering your professional development like never before. Here's what's coming your way:

  • 🌱 Best-Self Reviews: Reflect on your strengths and growth areas.
  • 🚀 Career Paths: Explore transparent career progression.
  • 🗺️ Competencies: Define the skills needed for success.
  • 📝 Growth Plans: Personalized roadmap for your growth.

Get ready to unlock your full potential and elevate your career at [Organization Name]! Stay tuned for instructions on accessing resources and starting your growth journey. 🌟📈

#15Five #ReviewsAndCareerGrowth #ProfessionalDevelopment #GrowthJourney

These templates will help you effectively communicate the launch of Reviews & Career Hub to your team. If you need any further assistance or have more requests, feel free to ask!

Launching Objectives

Email template

Subject: Introducing 15Five's OKRs: Driving Alignment and Focus at [Organization Name]!

Dear Team,

I am excited to announce the launch of 15Five's Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) feature: a powerful tool that will revolutionize how we set and achieve our goals, drive alignment, and foster a culture of focus and accountability at [Organization Name].

With 15Five's OKRs, we can collectively strive for excellence, align our efforts, and make measurable progress toward our shared vision. This feature enables us to set ambitious objectives, define key results that indicate success, and track our progress transparently, promoting a results-driven culture.

Here's what you can expect from 15Five's OKRs:

  1. 🎯 Goal Alignment: We will have a clear line of sight from our individual goals to the broader organizational objectives. With cascading OKRs, each team member's goals will contribute to the achievement of team goals, which, in turn, drive the accomplishment of company-wide objectives.
  2. 🔍 Focus and Prioritization: OKRs help us identify and prioritize the most impactful initiatives that align with our strategic priorities. By setting clear objectives and measurable key results, we can channel our energy and resources towards what truly matters, enabling us to make meaningful progress.
  3. 🌟 Transparency and Accountability: 15Five's OKRs promote transparency and foster accountability. By openly sharing our goals and progress, we create a culture of trust and collaboration. Regular check-ins and updates on our key results allow us to celebrate wins, address challenges, and make necessary adjustments to stay on track.
  4. 📈 Data-Driven Insights: The OKRs feature provides valuable data and insights into our progress. We can visualize our performance, identify trends, and take data-driven actions to optimize our results. These insights will enable us to continuously learn, improve, and elevate our performance as individuals and as a team.

To support you in adopting the OKRs feature effectively, we have prepared comprehensive resources, including guides, training sessions, and workshops. Look out for an email with instructions on how to access these resources and get started with setting and tracking your OKRs.

I am confident that 15Five's OKRs will drive alignment, focus, and outstanding results at [Organization Name]. If you have any questions or need assistance, [NAME] is here to help you navigate this exciting journey.

Let's embrace the power of OKRs and work together to achieve greatness at [Organization Name]!

Best regards,

[Executive Name]
[Organization Name]

Slack/Teams/Collaboration Announcement

📣 Calling all [Organization Name] team members! 🚀 We are thrilled to introduce 15Five's Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) feature, revolutionizing our goal-setting and driving a culture of excellence. Here's what's in store:

  • 🎯 Goal Alignment: Connecting our individual goals to the big picture.
  • 🔍 Focus and Prioritization: Channeling energy into what matters most.
  • 🌟 Transparency and Accountability: Celebrating wins and addressing challenges.
  • 📈 Data-Driven Insights: Making informed decisions for optimal results.

Get ready to level up our performance and achieve greatness together! Keep an eye on your inbox for instructions on accessing resources and diving into the world of OKRs. 🚀🌟

#15Five #OKRs #GoalSetting #Alignment #Accountability

Launching Engagement surveys

Email template

Subject: Amplify Employee Voice with 15Five Engagement Surveys at [Organization Name]!

Dear Team,

I am thrilled to announce the launch of 15Five's Engagement feature: a powerful tool that will empower our organization to amplify employee voices, gather valuable feedback, and drive positive change. With engagement surveys in 15Five, we can unlock insights that will fuel employee engagement and enhance the overall employee experience here at [Organization Name].

Here's what you can expect:

  1. 📋 Comprehensive Surveys: We can conduct robust surveys to capture employee sentiment, gauge satisfaction, and identify areas of improvement. We have the flexibility to customize surveys to address specific topics and tailor them to meet the unique needs of our organization.
  2. 🙊 Anonymous Feedback: We are creating a safe environment where employees can share their thoughts and opinions openly and anonymously. By providing the option for anonymous feedback, we encourage honest input and foster a culture of trust and transparency.
  3. 📊 Actionable Insights: With powerful analytics and reporting tools, we can gain deep insights into survey results. We will be able to identify trends, spot areas of opportunity, and make data-driven decisions that will positively impact our organization's culture and employee engagement.
  4. 🗣 Transparent Communication: It's important for us to demonstrate our commitment to transparency and open communication. We will share survey results and action plans with our team, keeping everyone informed about the steps being taken to address feedback and create positive change within our organization.

To get started with the Engagement feature, we have prepared a comprehensive guide that will walk us through the setup process, survey creation, and result analysis. Look out for an email with instructions on how to access the platform and launch our first engagement survey.

I am excited to witness the transformative impact of 15Five's Engagement feature on our organization's culture and employee engagement. Should you have any questions or need assistance, [NAME] is here to help.

Welcome to a new era of employee voice and engagement!

Best regards,

[Executive Name]
[Organization Name]

Slack/Teams/Collaboration Announcement

📢 Big News! 🌟 We're launching 15Five's Engagement feature to amplify employee voice and drive positive change here at [Organization Name]. Here's what's in store:

  • 📋 Comprehensive Surveys: We will capture employee sentiment and gather valuable feedback.
  • 🙊 Anonymous Feedback: We encourage open and honest input.
  • 📊 Actionable Insights: Gain deep insights and make data-driven decisions.
  • 🗣 Transparent Communication: We will share survey results and action plans with the team.

Let's elevate employee engagement with 15Five Engagement and make our voices heard at [Organization Name]! Together, we can create a positive workplace and drive meaningful change! 🗣🌟

Stay tuned for instructions on how to complete your first survey. 🚀

#15Five #EngagementSurvey #EmployeeVoice #Feedback

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