Assign actions to employees in bulk

In this article, we'll walk through how to bulk-assign actions. Actions are tasks that people are responsible for completing and appear on employee homepages for visibility and accountability. This ability helps leaders streamline task management by enabling them to assign specific actions to multiple people at once.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to the "Manage actions" tab.
👥 This article is relevant to Account admins and Managers of managers.
📦 This feature is available in all pricing packages.

How to bulk assign an action 🧑‍💻



Account admins can assign actions to anyone in their organization and Managers of managers can assign actions to people in their hierarchies.

  1. Click Home in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. Open the 'Manage actions' tab at the top of the page.
  3. Click Create bulk actions in the top, right-hand corner of the screen.
  4. The "Create bulk actions" form will appear on the left-hand side of your screen. From here, select an action type. Please refer to the FAQs at the bottom of this article for more information about what action types are available to assign.
  5. Select a title for the Action. The text provided here is how the action will appear on assignee homepages.
  6. Provide details so those who are assigned the action have context.
  7. Select the due date by which you want people to complete the action.
  8. Select which employees are accountable for completing the action or discussion. Account admins can select from everyone in the organization and Managers can select from people in their hierarchy.



    You can remove a person as an Action owner by clicking the X to the right of their name.

  9. If you're assigning actions to managers, you'll see the following additional options:

    Include in 1-on-1 agendas

    If you'd like the action to be automatically added to 1-on-1 agendas between managers and their direct reports, check the box next to "Include in 1-on-1 agenda."

    Hide from direct reports

    By default, actions will be assigned to both managers and their direct reports. If you want the action to only be visible to assigned managers and be hidden from their direct reports, check the box next to "Hide from direct reports."



    This option is helpful when assigning sensitive Actions to managers, such as discussing performance issues with direct reports.

  10. When you're done, click Assign Actions.
  11. A popup will appear asking you to confirm action creation. Click Yes, create actions.

What happens next? 🐾

Upon assignment, the actions you created will appear in the "Manage actions" tab. These actions will be visible to all Account admins.


Employees assigned the action will also see the action item on their homepages.


You can use the "Manage actions" tab of your homepage to track progress to ensure employees are taking action.

Recommendations for bulk actions to assign 💡

Example Talking Points to assign
  • Discuss progress on objectives to identify what risks would impact achieving the goals and how you can help with prioritization.
  • Have a role-clarity conversation to ensure that expectations are clear. Identify areas of misalignment and understand interest in future growth opportunities.
  • Have a stay interview. Ask the following:
    • What do you enjoy most about your current role?
    • What aspects of your job do you find most challenging?
    • Do you feel your current skills are being utilized effectively?
    • How well do you feel your accomplishments are recognized and rewarded?
    • Are there specific tasks or projects you would like to be more involved in?
  • Discuss performance review results. Encourage their strengths and help identify action steps to improve in growth areas.
Example Action Items to assign
  • Review team OKRs to ensure they are aligned with business priorities and provide feedback to your team as needed.
  • Read through the new Employee Handbook and sign the acknowledgment.
  • Review the new compensation strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ❓

What types of actions can I assign as part of an Action Plan?

When assign an action as part of an Action Plan, you can select from the following action types:

  • Action Item: Assign a task for individuals to complete.
  • Discussion: Assign a talking point for individuals to discuss in 1-on-1 meetings or async.
  • Coaching Session: Assign the task of scheduling a 1:1 coaching session, which managers will complete with one of 15Five's certified coaches. Please note that 1-on-1 coaching sessions are a paid service.
  • Complete Course: Assign a course for managers to take from Transform's on-demand course library.
  • Complete Microlearning: Assign a Microlearning for managers to take from our on-demand Microlearning course library. Microlearnings are bite-sized training content designed to help managers master skills necessary to enhance employee engagement, performance, and retention on their teams.
  • Create Objective (Company, Group, Individual, or Self-Development): Assign the task of creating an OKR (Objective and Key Results).
  • Give Individual High Five: Assign the task of giving a high five.

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