Transform Microlearning is a skill development resource for managers that's integrated into the 15Five platform. It's designed to empower HR leaders and organizations to enhance employee engagement, performance, and retention by investing in their managers through bite-sized training content. All managers and admins in companies on the Total Platform plan have access to Microlearning.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Microlearning.
👥 This article is relevant to HR admins and Managers.
📦 This feature is available in the Total Platform pricing package.

Available on-demand Microlearning courses

15Five currently offers the following Microlearning courses, with additional courses added monthly.

Prioritizing Goals for Increased Productivity

Learn how to optimize your productivity by focusing on the tasks that matter most to the achievement of your goals! In this microlearning, we explore various prioritization frameworks, including the Eisenhower Matrix, Effort vs. Impact, Pareto Analysis, and the "One Thing" method.

Managing Stress: Feel Better, Make Progress

Learn about the different types of stress and gain awareness of your unique stress response behaviors. You’ll explore and practice a stress management framework that can be used with your team to increase stress resilience.

Meaningful 1-on-1's: Goals, Growth, Feedback
Discover what makes 1-on-1’s the most powerful conversational practice for any team leader. Learn about common pitfalls, plus a framework to help you prepare for and drive meaningful 1-on-1s using relational skills, co-created agendas, goals, and accountability.
Setting Goals That Matter
A crash course on goal-setting. Essential techniques for creating OKRs to create goals that are both inspiring and measurable, while navigating common pitfalls. Learn practices to ensure high-quality work and manage ongoing progress.
Driving Psychological Safety with Role Clarity
As a manager, ensuring that your team knows what they are accountable for (and what success looks like) is crucial. Explore the elements of role clarity and why it’s necessary for psychological safety and overall team success. Learn a framework for connecting business needs to job expectations, and conversational tools to gain or reestablish areas of responsibility.
Hard Conversations Made Easier
What makes certain conversations feel harder to have than others? From critical feedback to conflict to negotiations. Learn the science behind difficult conversations and a framework to help you prepare for and reduce the emotional charge in order to communicate more effectively.
Influential Leadership: Getting Buy-In
Having buy-in means that your colleagues and stakeholders are aligned and in agreement with your ideas, strategies, and goals. Without buy-in, change initiatives fail and your leadership is less effective. Learn about the common social and relational obstacles to buy-in, and discover a step-by-step practice to help you generate more of it.
Career Growth Conversations: A Guide
Career growth opportunities are table stakes for today's teams. Learn how to create meaningful opportunities for your team while leveraging aspects of the work that are available to you. You'll explore a framework for career growth conversations, as well as how to integrate it into regular milestones such as goal-setting or 1-on-1s.
Better Decision Making: Bias & Analysis
Decision-making is an integral part of our daily lives, especially in leadership roles. In this course, we delve into our natural decision-making tendencies and how they can sometimes result in poor choices. Explore the key elements to consider when making decisions, and discover a practical framework to counter biases and analyze information objectively.
Recognition That Drives Engagement
Learn how recognition profoundly influences motivation, performance, and satisfaction at work. You’ll learn about our human tendency toward negativity, known as the Negativity Bias, and how you can use the power of recognition to overcome it. Delve into a technique known as Strengths Spotting-- created and endorsed by positive psychologists. With practical steps you'll learn to observe, explain, and value strengths in individuals and teams.
Going Direct: Resolving Tension with Coworkers
Tension at work is inevitable - but the stress and resentment from unresolved conflict doesn’t have to be! In this microlearning, you’ll discover a simple and powerful framework for leading clearing conversations. Learn how this practice can restore connection and psychological safety, and help you get back on track for productive collaboration.
Leading With Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is a foundational leadership skill. Managers who are self-aware are more likely to make well-informed and objective decisions. They also have clear insight into their strengths and weaknesses, enhancing their ability to adapt and grow.

In this microlearning, managers will learn tools to more accurately identify their emotions and isolate their behaviors. These practices will help you uncover blind spots, make values-aligned decisions, and give and receive feedback more effectively.

  • Practice mindfulness to heighten present-moment awareness
  • Develop emotional granularity to precisely label and manage emotions
  • Request and apply feedback to uncover blind spots
  • Clarify values as a decision-making compass

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