Action Plans in 15Five are strategic plans that HR teams use to organize and measure the work you're doing to improve HR outcomes (employee performance, engagement, and/or retention) in your organization. Each Action Plan comprises a set of actions: manager tasks that contribute to the plan's progress and success over time.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to HR Outcomes Dashboard.
👥 This article is relevant to roles and individuals assigned access to the Outcomes Dashboard and MEI.
📦 This feature is available in the Total Platform pricing package.

Draft an Action Plan

In this section, we'll walk through the steps of drafting an Action Plan aimed at improving HR outcomes and tied to specific metrics. Next, you'll add manager actions that will help you achieve the plan.

  1. Click Outcomes Dashboard in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. You're now on the HR Outcomes Dashboard. By default, this dashboard contains outcomes data for your entire organization. However, you can use filters at the top of the page to view data for specific subsets of employees.
    Filtering options are:


    Use the "Groups" filter to filter the HR Outcomes Dashboard by specific manager hierarchies or Group Types.

    Demographic data

    The "Demographic data" filter allows you to filter the HR Outcomes Dashboard by cohorts of individuals who share specific characteristics. Learn how to enable and populate demographic attributes.

    • Tenure
    • Age
    • Salary
    • Gender
    • Race
    • Ethnicity

    Outcomes data

    The "Outcomes data" filter allows you to filter the HR Outcomes Dashboard based on performance data (sourced from individual performance ratings in Best-Self Review®) or engagement level (sourced from individual engagement scores in Engagement).

    • Performance - Top performers
    • Performance - Mid performers
    • Performance - Bottom performers
    • Performance - Unmeasured
    • Engagement - Extremely engaged
    • Engagement - Highly engaged
    • Engagement - Moderately engaged
    • Engagement - Disengaged engaged
    • Engagement - Highly disengaged
    • Engagement - Unmeasured
  3. You can create an Action Plan from three different places:
    The HR Outcomes Dashboard

    Click Create Action Plan in the top, right-hand corner of the filter box.

    The Action Plans tab
    • Open the "Action Plans" tab.
    • Then, click Draft Action Plan.
    Data Insights cards
    Scroll to the "Data insights" section at the bottom of the HR Outcomes Dashboard, then click Draft Action Plan or Take action in any Data Insights card.
  4. The "Draft Action Plan" form will open on the right-hand side of the page. Fill out the following information:
    • Target Group: The group of people you intend to impact with the Action Plan. This field is auto-filled based on your selected filters on the HR Outcomes Dashboard.
    • Name: A descriptive label for your action.
    • Description (optional): A brief overview of what the action entails.
    • Outcome(s) the plan will impact: The outcomes the action is designed to impact: Engagement, Performance, and/or Turnover. Learn more about HR Outcomes.
    • Metrics (optional): The metrics you want to track in connection to the Action Plan. Once you launch your action, you'll have access to a dashboard containing selected metrics so you can easily measure progress.


      For a list and descriptions of the metrics you can select for your action plan, check out this article.

  5. Click Draft Action Plan.

Add actions to your Action Plan

Once you draft an Action Plan, you'll be taken to the plan's overview page to add actions. Actions are the tasks that, when completed, will contribute to the progress and success of the Action Plan.

  1. Click Add Actions.
  2. The "Add action to action plan" form will appear on the left-hand side of your screen. From here, select an action type.
    You can select from the following Action types:
    • Action Item: Assign a task for someone to complete.
    • Complete Course: Assign a course from Transform's on-demand course library.
    • Create Objective (Company, Group, Individual, or Self-Development): Assign the task of creating an OKR (Objective and Key Results).
    • Discussion: Assign a talking point to discuss in a 1-on-1 meeting or async.
  3. Provide a title & description for your action.
  4. Select a start date and due date for the action.
  5. Choose the managers you want to assign the action to.


    Use the "Summary" section to see how many managers you're assigning the action to and the number of impacted people (i.e. direct reports those managers have).

  6. When you're done, click Add actions.

Launch an Action Plan

When you're done adding actions, it's time to launch your Action Plan. Upon launching an Action Plan, managers will receive a launch email and see assigned actions on their homepage on the respective action's start date. You can always come back later to make edits, add people, or adjust due dates.



Before launching your Action Plan, you can customize the email managers will receive by clicking the email icon in the top, right-hand corner of the Action Plan title box.

  1. Click the Drafted field at the top, right-hand corner of the Action Plan Overview page and select In progress from the dropdown menu.
  2. You'll see a popup. Click Confirm.
  3. Once you launch the Action Plan, the overview page will display a banner noting that it's in progress.
  4. It will also appear in the "Action Plans" tab under "In progress plans."

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why aren't I seeing a Target Group I filtered the Outcomes Dashboard by in the "Draft Action Plan" form?

To protect confidentiality, an action plan can't target people of a specific engagement level.

Who can create action plans?

Action Plans are only available to Total Platform customers. Any user who has access to view the HR Outcomes Dashboard can create action plans. By default, Account admins and HR admins have this visibility. However, Account admins can customize visibility

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