Assign Microlearning or Transform courses to managers

15Five Transform offers on-demand training and live coaching that's designed to help managers think as leaders who take action to keep their teams motivated, engaged, and thriving— leading to powerful business results. In this article, we'll walk through assigning on-demand courses to managers. There are two types of on-demand courses you may assign:

  • Microlearning couses: A series of bite-sized video courses designed to enhance manager effectiveness within the flow of work.
  • On-demand Transform courses: Manager courses created by 15Five's in-house coaching experts and Luminary content— course content created by thought leaders who defined their categories.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Microlearning.
👥 This article is relevant to HR admins.
📦 The ability to assign Microlearning courses is available in the Total Platform pricing package. The ability to assign on-demand Transform courses is available in our Copilot & Content and Group Coaching, Copilot, & Content Transform pricing packages.

How to assign on-demand courses 🧑‍💻

Action Plan Bulk Actions

Action Plans in 15Five are strategic plans that HR teams use to organize and measure the work you're doing to improve HR outcomes (employee performance, engagement, and/or retention) in your organization. Each Action Plan comprises a set of actions: manager tasks that contribute to the plan's progress and success over time. In this section, we'll walk through how to assign Microlearning courses to managers as part of an Action Plan.



Before following the steps below, you should create an Action Plan.

  1. Click on Outcomes Dashboard in 15Five's main, left-hand navigation.
  2. Next, open the "Action Plans" tab.
  3. Click on the name of the Action Plan you want to add actions to.
  4. Click the Add Actions button.
  5. The "Add action to action plan" form will appear on the left-hand side of your screen. From here, select "Complete Course" or "Complete Microlearning as the action type.
  6. Next, select the course you want to assign to managers.



    Check out our Microlearning course library and Transform course library to see what courses are currently available to assign.

  7. On the next screen, you'll see action details. Provide a title for your action, or use the default title.
  8. Provide an optional action description.
  9. Select the start date on which the action should appear on the Action owner's homepages and the due date by which the Action owner should schedule their coaching session.
  10. Now it's time to select the individuals you want to assign the course to. By default, managers of people in the Action Plan's target group will be automatically assigned. However, you can edit the assignments using the following options:
    Add additional Action owners

    By default, the managers of people in the Action Plan's target group are automatically selected as Action owners. However, you can easily add anyone in your organization as an Action owner by clicking into the search bar and typing the person's name.


    You can also use the "All managers" Quick Assign option to assign the action to all managers in your organization (not just those who are managers of people in the Action Plan's target group!).

    Remove an Action owner

    By default, the managers of people in the Action Plan's target group are automatically selected as Action owners. However, there may be times when an action isn't relevant to a specific individual. In this case, you can remove that person as an Action owner by clicking the X to the right of their name.




    As you assign actions, managers with direct reports in the Action Plan's target group are clearly designated by stars displayed to the right of their names.

  11. Click Next: Preview to open the action summary. Review the information contained in the summary to ensure that the action is configured correctly.
  12. When you're ready, click Add actions.

What happens next? 🐾

Action Plan Bulk Actions

After clicking Add Actions, the action you created will appear on the Action Plan Overview page.


On the action's start date, it will appear on manager homepages. Managers can access the course by clicking on the action.


Related resources 📖

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ❓

What Microlearning courses are available for me to assign?

You can see a full list of available Microlearning courses here.

How can managers access Microlearning courses?

Managers can access Microlearning courses by clicking on the action item from their homepage or following these steps.

What Transform courses are available for me to assign?

You can see a full list of available Microlearning courses here.

How can managers access Transform courses?

Managers can access Transform courses by clicking on the action item from their homepage or following these steps.

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