Peer reviews within a Best-Self Review® cycle are reviews in which your teammates review you. If you're a participant in a review cycle that includes peer reviews, you are responsible for nominating peers to write peer reviews of you. This article walks through the peer nomination process and how to nominate peers to review you.

In this article, you will learn...

Access and availability

⛔️ Required access to Best-Self Review®.
👥 This article is relevant to review cycle participants.
📦 This feature is available in the Perform and Total Platform pricing packages.



If you have been nominated as a peer for someone else and are looking for steps on how to accept or decline those nominations, check out our "Accept or decline peer nominations" Help Center article.

The peer nomination process: What to expect

  1. Nominate peers: Once the review cycle launches, you can nominate peers to review you. Your manager, review admins, and cycle collaborators can also nominate peers for you.
  2. Manager approves peers: Your manager will review your peer nominations and either approve or decline them. If your manager declines one of your nominations, you can remove it from your list and nominate someone else in their place.
  3. Peer accepts or declines nomination: Peers can accept or decline a peer nomination. If a person declines your nomination, you can remove them from your list and nominate someone else in their place.
  4. Collect feedback: Peers who accept the nomination will then write a peer review of you.

Nominate peers to review me

  1. Click on Best-Self Review® in the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Open the review cycle you want to nominate peer reviewers for.
  3. Click on the 'Peer nominations' tab at the top of your page.
  4. If you're not a manager in the review cycle, continue directly to step #5. If you are a manager, you will land on the 'My team' page, on which you can nominate people to review your direct reports. To manage your own peers, click on the 'My nominations' tab.
  5. Click into the 'Peers for your review' field and start typing the name of the person who you'd like to nominate as a peer. Select their name from the dropdown menu.peers_for_your_review.png


    You can nominate anyone, whether or not they're a participant in the review cycle, as a peer, with some exceptions. Refer to the FAQs at the bottom of this article for more information.

  6. Select all the peers you want to nominate, then click Submit
  7. Upon submission, your nominations will be sent to your manager to approve or deny.



    We recommend checking the status of your peer nominations periodly to see if you need to make any changes after your manager reviews your nominations and your peers accept or decline their nominations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the window for nominating peers?

Peers can be nominated up until the review cycle's end date or until your review results have been finalized— whichever comes first.

Who can nominate peers for me?

You can nominate peers to review you. Your manager, review admins, and cycle collaborators can also nominate peers on your behalf.

Why can't I nominate a person as a peer?

There are a few cases in which you won't be able to nominate a person as a peer:

  • You can't nominate a person who is already tasked to write a review of you. For example, if a review cycle includes manager reviews, you can't nominate your manager as a peer because they're already responsible for writing a manager review about you.
  • You can't nominate someone who has already been nominated as a peer for you. This is most relevant when review cycle settings dictate that peer identity is hidden. In this case, you will see "Anonymous", rather than peer names in your peer review list, as pictured below. You cannot nominate a person if they already occupy one of the "Anonymous" spots.
  • You cannot nominate anyone who is globally excluded from reviews in Best-Self Review® feature settings. To check if a person is globally excluded from reviews, please contact one of your Account admins.
What happens if my manager doesn't approve one of my nominated peers?

If your manager or someone else in an administrative role denies one of your peer nominations, you can remove the nomination and nominate someone else in their place.

What happens if a person declines my peer nomination?

If someone declines your peer nomination, you can remove the nomination and nominate someone else in their place.

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